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Hangout with your own personal marketing coach at The Implant Hub

Next week, 9th July at 7pm The Implant Hub will launch the first of its Google Hangouts, starting with expert marketing coach, Mark Oborn.

Offered free to all, the Google hangout will explore the relationship between seeking a transaction versus a relationship, and why you need to make sure you choose the right one. Issues that will be covered include:

1. The distinct difference between a product and service, and why it is vital you understand this when helping patients to replace missing teeth.

2. The different ways of marketing a product and service, and why getting it wrong in restorative dentistry can be catastrophic.

This hangout is ideal for anyone responsible for, or interested in, attracting patients with missing teeth to a dental practice, as well as any dental professional seeking to help more local people with their oral health.

Speaking about his involvement in this exciting new aspect of The Implant Hub, Mark said: ‘

’ "One of my values in business is to be genuinely helpful. It's not about making money or increasing sales, that happens as an outcome of genuinely caring and providing an excellent service to people that need it. Working with The Implant Hub is a first-class example of how this is being put into action by BioHorizons. It's an opportunity for implant dentists to learn, to develop and to grow their own skills and their practice. It's an absolute pleasure to work with an organisation that shares my value of being genuinely helpful...so, how much are YOU ready to learn?"

In addition to Mark's hangout, future activities for The Implant Hub members will include LIVE Q&As and hangouts with all coaches, including:

·         Chris Barrow, Business Coach, LIVE Question and Answers – 27th July, 6pm

·         Dr Nav Ropra, Inspirational Coach, LIVE Questions and Answers – 5th August, 7.30pm

·         Google Hangout with Chris Barrow – 7th September, 6pm

·         Mark Oborn, Marketing Coach, LIVE Questions and Answers – 13th October, 6pm

·         Google Hangout with Dr Nav Ropra  - 4th November, 7.30pm


The Implant Hub is a unique and exciting new online resource for dentists looking to grow their dental implant business.

Simply visit www.theimplanthub.com for exclusive support and advice in implant dentistry through articles and blogs to Google Hangouts, as well as LIVE Q&As from our three top coaches: Chris Barrow (Business Coach), Mark Oborn (Marketing Coach) and Dr Nav Ropra (Inspirational Coach).

For more information and to register for Mark's FREE hangout, please visit http://theimplanthub.com/webinar-registration/

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