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Seasonal Stress Busters

Seasonal Stress Busters



The festive season seems to creep up on us every year. You may try to keep it low key, but it all takes up a lot of time, money and effort and often gives way to ‘seasonal stress.’ On the plus side, online shopping has provided a welcome reprieve from parking problems, trudging around crowded shops and standing in long queues. However, less than one in five people actually look forward to shopping for presents during the lead up to the festive season.[i] Added to this, is the worry of absorbing the extra expenditure - it is believed that most families will spend around £800, mostly on food and drink. There is also more pressure to overspend at this time of year and there is an increase in the proportion of people turning to credit to cover the cost of presents and food.[ii]

We all look forward to having the family together and eagerly waiting for everyone to arrive for the celebrations brings great joy. Nevertheless, some family gatherings can easily turn into an airing of grievances and there is always the worry that one relative could become awkward or drunk. These occasions can become exhausting and overwhelming, with festive cheer turning into festive fear for many people.

The pressure of Christmas can just be too much for some and the mental health charity Mind, states that one in four adults feel anxious about social gatherings during the festive period.[iii] It can be a tough time of year for everyone but if one feels under pressure to be sociable, to join in or to be on good form because everyone else seems to be enjoying themselves, social gatherings and parties can be uncomfortable and overpowering.

A lot of people suffer from low self-esteem or lack of confidence and chatting, dancing or getting up close to others is totally off limits for some individuals.

One of the reasons for this is that around 25 per cent of the entire population suffer from halitosis at some point in their lives[iv] and a great many others believe that they have it. In addition, to cope with the pressure directly associated with the festive season, there is a lot more alcohol and comfort food consumed. Some people even turn to smoking in their hours of need as insecurities become intensified. It is little wonder then that while stressed and tired, people might forget or skim over their normal oral health routines and end up with embarrassingly unpleasant smelling breath.

Nine out of ten cases of malodourous breath have an oral cause,[v] which is why dental professionals are ideally placed to help. When delivering instructions to improve oral hygiene levels, you can also recommend CB12 mouthwash to prevent unpleasant breath for up to 12 hours. Used each morning as a daily oral deodorant, this clinically proven formula is quick and easy to use - ideal during the busy holiday season. You could also encourage your patients to carry CB12 boost chewing gum - discreet mouth refreshment to power through any worrying breath inhibitions after meals and on the go.


Save your patients from ‘seasonal stress’ with sound advice and recommendations to bring little more cheer and good health to this time of year.


For more information about CB12 and how it could benefit your patients, please visit www.cb12.co.uk



[i] Ipsos MORI. Dealtime Christmas Shopping Survey. November 2000. https://ipsos-mori.com/researchpublications/researcharchive/poll.aspx?oItemId=1505 [Accessed 7th September 2016]

[ii] Money Advice Trust 2016. Borrowing up this Christmas, as one in four feel pressure to overspend. http://www.moneyadvicetrust.org/media/news/Pages/Borrowing-up-this-Christmas-as-one-in-four-feel-pressure-to-overspend.aspx [Accessed 7th September 2016]

[iii] Mind. Brits experiencing social anxiety at Christmas. December 2015. Poll conducted by Populus. http://www.mind.org.uk/news-campaigns/news/brits-experiencing-social-anxiety-at-christmas/#.V9AC32QrIlI [Accessed 7th September 2016]

[iv] Franziska Struch et al. Self-reported halitosis and gastro-esophageal reflux disease in the general population. J Gen Intern Med 23(3):260–6 DOI: 10.1007/s11606-007-0486-8 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2359469/pdf/11606_2007_Article_486.pdf [Accessed 7th September 2016]

[v] Andrea Zürcher, et al, Dept of Oral Surgery, University of Basel. 'Findings, Diagnoses and Results of a Halitosis Clinic over a Seven Year Period'. Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed. [Swiss Monthly Journal of Dentistry] 3/2012 Vol. 122 pp. 205-210 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22418723 [Accessed 7th September 2016]


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