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Personalisation in Radiography

Personalisation in Radiography




Author: David Claridge (pictured above) is currently the UK CAD/CAM Specialist at Carestream Dental. He began his career as a dental technician at The Briars Dental Centre, Newbury, before starting Claridge Dental Laboratory, and then Claridge Mouthguards. David has been closely involved in the digital impressioning/CAD/CAM world, through his role in the digital dentistry team at 3M ESPE, before joining Carestream Dental.

Digital technology has meant greater personalisation in our lives, including our professional life. We are no longer satisfied with being treated ‘en masse’ as the capability for modified configurations and bespoke settings are available in nearly all of the devices that we use. This capability to individualise is of great benefit in dentistry; whether it is the configuration of a dental chair for improved ergonomics, or the pre-set modes on a hygienist’s ultrasonic scaler, technology is helping workflows become simpler and quicker than ever before.


The evolution of digital radiography has put control back in the hands of the dentist by not only minimising, but also sometimes eliminating the drawbacks of conventional film radiographs. The dentist can now manipulate images that they take so they can be viewed in the way that they need to see it. With conventional radiographs, once the film had left the processing solution the image quality was determined and there was no chance of changing it.  However, the quality of digital images can be altered afterwards to allow for improvements.

There are a number of factors that make up image quality. Contrast, blur and noise can be controlled with use of software to help improve the image and therefore increase the chance of better diagnosis and treatment planning. Subtraction radiography is a useful enhancement method where the purpose is to produce two radiographs of the same view but at different times. Very small changes can be seen that would otherwise have been missed on conventional radiographs or on visual clinical inspection. Another digital capability is to zoom in on specific areas of concern; something impossible with conventional film. Other common enhancement tools include changing of the brightness, enhancing contrast, reversal of the image, embossing to create the image 3-dimensionally, the use of a multi-colour spectrum and filters.

The possibilities are vast when it comes to radiograph image manipulation. The CS Adapt module from Carestream Dental offers a whole new level of choice in extraoral image processing. Whether a panoramic or cephalometric image is required, CS Adapt allows easy adaptation depending on how the clinician wants it to “look and feel” and the intuitive Filter Library allows the clinician to select up to three favourites for a seamless workflow. 

Clinicians no longer have to be satisfied with using equipment that is not producing the results that they require, for the work that they do. Digitisation and the development of technology now allows for personalisation to ensure that the best results are achieved


For more information, contact Carestream Dental on 0800 169 9692 or visit www.carestreamdental.co.uk

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