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Young DEPPA free for Simplyhealth Professionals members

Young DEPPA free for Simplyhealth Professionals members


Simplyhealth Professionals is offering free access to YDEPPA

Simplyhealth Professionals is offering free access to YDEPPA (Young Denplan PreViser Patient Assessment) as an exclusive benefit to all of its member practices as part of their aim to highlight the importance of preventive dentistry from an early age. Building on the strengths of the well-established DEPPA for adults tool, YDEPPA is an online facility which provides a framework for a holistic oral health assessment of a child. 
The primary benefit of YDEPPA is to support communication with young patients about their oral health and help motivate them to make improvements.   YDEPPA reports offer personalised biofeedback in a patient friendly manner. A RAG (red/amber/green) system of happy or unhappy faces is used to flag the standard of health for each component. YDEPPA focuses on three key areas for oral health: hard tissues, periodontal health and the developing dentition/occlusion. A personalised prevention plan for each patient is also produced, providing clarity for the patient and their parent or carer.
Henry Clover, Chief Dental Officer at Simplyhealth Professionals said: “YDEPPA is a state of the art, practical assessment system, supporting dental teams in assessing the oral health of young patients. The personalised nature of the report, makes it a powerful communication tool to give parents and carers reassurance and it can be used to help motivate young patients to have great oral health for life.  By offering YDEPPA free to our members, we are aiming to make this tool available to as many young patients as possible in the UK through our member practices.”
YDEPPA is very quick to complete, comprising just 14 questions. Reports can be either printed in hard copy and given to patients, or e-mailed to them with consent. YDEPPA reports also help patients to understand how their oral health has changed over time. Being able to view progress or changes over a longer period facilitates reinforcement of appropriate oral health related behaviour and allows clinicians the opportunity to highlight and discuss any new areas of concerns.
Free access to YDEPPA is available to Simplyhealth Professionals members.  DEPPA is available free of charge to Denplan Excel members.  For non-members interested in signing up to YDEPPA, a one month free trial is available for DEPPA which includes YDEPPA and access can subsequently be provided for a monthly fee based on the number of users in the practice. Practices should call 0800 169 9962 for further information. 
YDEPPA protocols were developed using Adult DEPPA, the Oral Health Assessment (OHA) and The Oral Wellbeing Assessments (OWA) as the starting point. Both the OHA and the OWA were developed as part of Denplan Excel for Children. Stephen Fayle, Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry, Leeds, who guided the development of Denplan Excel for Children was a key adviser in the development of YDEPPA, as was Iain Chapple, Professor of Periodontology, University of Birmingham, and Liz Chapple, Managing Director of DEPPA service provider, Oral Health Innovations
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