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The BACD Annual Conference 2013

The BACD Annual Conference 2013



The Hilton London Metropole Hotel was the setting for this year’s BACD Annual Conference with many of the leading lights in dentistry taking to the stage to share their experiences with delegates.


The event opened with an address from the Academy’s President Julian Caplan welcoming delegates to the event and giving a summary of where the BACD stands in dentistry today. In the space of 10 short years the BACD has grown to become one of the most recognisable names in dentistry today – a name that is recognised not just in the UK, but on an international stage as well.


An inspirational message

Following on from the President’s address, Julian Caplan welcomed Olympic rower Alex Gregory to the stage. Alex won gold medal as part of the men’s four at London 2012, and gave an inspiring and heart-warming talk on what it took for him to win a gold medal. This talk helped set the tone for the rest of the day, and delegates were able to enjoy excellent lectures from the likes of Chris Orr and Tif Qureshi among others. There were also two shorter lectures from Richard Jones and Derrick Willmot bringing in the orthodontist’s perspective to the cosmetic dentistry debate.


Days two and three

After an outstanding first day of lectures, days two and three of the Annual Conference had a lot to live up – and they did not disappoint! On the second day delegates were able to choose from a range of lectures across six separate conference streams. Sessions included Jason Smithson’s ‘The dentist as an artist technician’, Ash Parmar’s lecture on minimally invasive techniques, and the latest in facial aesthetics from Bob Khanna. In addition to the packed lecture programme there were also a number of hand-on sessions running throughout the day as well as a BACD Accreditation Workshop held by Julian Caplan and Chris Orr.


On the third day, the event reached its climax with the BACD’s keynote speaker Galip Gurel presenting an excellent lecture on ‘Esthetic dentistry in the digital era’.

Meanwhile, in the event’s parallel conference streams Rita Zamora and Chris Baker presented on social media and ‘The media – your friend’ respectively. There were also a number of additional hands-on sessions including a lesson on portrait photography by Lynn Sloss.


Life LIKE aesthetics

As milestone anniversary event, the BACD’s 10th Annual Conference far exceeded all expectations, combining a mixture of high quality lectures with hands-on sessions, a trade exhibition and numerous social and networking events. All of which meant delegates left the conference having enjoyed a fantastic three days of learning and socialising, having had the chance to network with like-minded professionals, and even make a few new friends along the way!

For more information on future events contact the BACD today. The BACD’s next Annual Conference ‘Life LIKE Aesthetics’ will take place on the 6th, 7th and 8th of November 2014, at the ACC Liverpool. For more information, and for all the latest news, visit www.bacd.com.

For further information about the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, call 0207 612 4166, fax 0207 182 7123, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or visit www.bacd.com

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