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Personal Trainer for the face!

Oralift - Personal trainer for the face!


Oralift appliances are thermoplastic mandibulary mouthguard-type appliances incorporating 3, 5 or 7mm bite blocks which, when moulded to the teeth, only contact in the molar region.

They are worn in a cycle of two months worn, four months not worn, two months worn, four months not worn etc.  However, when not being worn they still seem to be having an effect on the ageing process because of the long-term results Nick has observed.  It’s like having a personal trainer for the face!

How does Oralift work?

There are a number of theories. The most plausible one seems to be that, when it is in the mouth, the muscles of the head and neck are activated to create an increased Free Way Space and this activity generates new chemistry and adjustments within the musculature.

What results can be achieved?

As part of the ageing process there is a downward migration of the soft tissues of the face, so that the ageing triangle changes from a youthful inverted triangle, pointing towards the chin, to an elderly triangle with the base at the chin. The Oralift appliance is designed to have an effect on these soft tissues and to reverse the ageing triangle to a youthful one.

The biggest changes occur in the skin, which becomes thinner and loses its elasticity during the ageing process.

At the same time, all the facial muscles gradually decrease in mass. By the age of 60 they retain only about 60% of their volume. Meanwhile, the muscles of facial expression increase in tone so that wrinkles and crow’s feet start to develop.

Fat on the face is stored in compartments between the skin, muscles of facial expression and deep muscles, but as people age it migrates down towards the jowls. 

As people age the facial skeleton changes. Research is now showing that these changes contribute to the southward migration of the soft tissues. The maxilla moves inwards, so that the skin and muscles are no longer supported and cause the naso-labial folds to become deeper. These changes could partly be attributed to changes in facial muscle function. As the muscles on the face deteriorate, the strain they put on the facial skeleton changes. This could lead to the remodelling of the facial skeleton.  However, if the muscle function is improved, as a result of wearing an Oralift appliance, these changes may be reversed again contributing to a more youthful appearance.

Using Oralift you can manipulate the Free Way Space to create a three dimensional change to the face, which will help to restore the Golden Proportion. In many cases, both Class II and III patients can be altered into Class I when the mandible is at rest, although when in maximum intercuspation the face will revert back to its original form. This can be achieved without the need for orthodontics or surgery, just by manipulating the Free Way Space. 

Smile Design 

As a result of the ageing effect on the face there is a change in the “smile window”, so that the amount of tooth displayed becomes less because the “mask” is coming down. Observers start to notice more of the lower teeth and less of the upper teeth.

As the ageing triangle migrates downwards it also affects the patient’s smile profile.  If you reverse this migration, using Oralift, the “facial mask” moves upwards too, without the need for any tooth adjustment.

As people age their whole face tends to become asymmetrical as a result of bony and/or muscular changes.  Wearing an Oralift appliance helps correct this asymmetry. 


Oralift can provide a long-lasting, natural and non-invasive solution to the ageing process.


To learn more about the Practice Building Benefits of Oralift attend one of Nick Mohindra’s Two Day Hands On Courses. The £650 Course Fee includes 12 hours verifiable CPD and a free set of Oralift appliances valued at £180.

The next courses will be held in London on the following dates - 7th and 8th February, 4th and 5th April, 27th and 28th June 2014. For further information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit www.oralift.com


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