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RB Dental Training

RB Dental Training was founded by a group of young dentists with the sole aim of providing high quality hands on and lecture days for the delegates. We achieve our aims by having only the most highly qualified clinicians teaching and having a low class size (around 10 or less for a hands on day) to keep teaching quality to an optimum. All of our specialists spend most of their working life in practice which makes their advice and skills explained for use in your practice, to increase your practical skill, knowledge and profits. Our course days are very well priced, all prices including VAT and plenty of food (breakfast and lunch) and refreshments throughout the day. Each day provides between 6 and 7 hours of verifiable CPD. We believe that with excellent teachers, unparalleled group size, low costs and lots of tasty food that each course will be a thoroughly useful and enjoyable experience for all.
Below are some of the details of the courses in 2014:-
Quote "GDP10" when booking a course for a 10% Discount - http://www.rbdentaltraining.co.uk/courses/
Endodontics for the GDP - Alyn Morgan BChD MSc (Specialist Endodontist)
April 11 and 12 - Wakefield
September 5-6 - Letchworth, Hertfordshire
12 hours verifiable CPD
£395 per day inc VAT 2 day course
Direct Composite Course - Amin Aminian BDS MSc MFDS RCPS MRD RCSEd (Specialist Prosthodontist)
May 30 and 31 - Wakefield
12 hours verifiable CPD
£395 per day inc VAT 2 day course
Anterior composites, Posterior composites, treating toothwear cases
Snoring and Sleep Apnoea - Ama Johal BDS (hons) MSc PhD FDS MOrth FDS(Orth) RCS
June 13 - Wakefield
November 28 - Letchworth, Hertfordshire
6 hours verifiable CPD
£195 per day inc VAT
Advanced Restorative Techniques - Amin Aminian BDS MSc MFDS RCPS MRD RCSEd (Specialist Prosthodontist)
Laminate Veneers
September 19 - Wakefield
6 hours verifiable CPD
£395 inc VAT
Advanced Restorative Techniques - Amin Aminian BDS MSc MFDS RCPS MRD RCSEd (Specialist Prosthodontist)
October 17 - Wakefield
6 hours verifiable CPD
£395 inc VAT
Advanced Restorative Techniques - Amin Aminian BDS MSc MFDS RCPS MRD RCSEd (Specialist Prosthodontist)
November 7 - Wakefield
6 hours verifiable CPD
£395 inc VAT
Periodontology for the GDP - Phil Ower BDS MSc MGDSRCS (Specialist Periodontist) and Ian Dunn BChD MFGDP MSc (Specialist Periodontist)
September 26 and 27 - Letchworth, Hertfordshire
12 hours verifiable CPD
£395 inc VAT per day
Including surgical practice for the periodontally diseased and healthy patient. Crown lengthening surgery, grafting techniques and periodontal surgery.
Quote "GDP10" when booking a course for a 10% Discount
Tel - 020 3519 6060
Bad advice for bad breath, available online
Questions, Facts and Thoughts

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