It's summer people, in case you were wondering about that warm feeling in the nether regions. It’s not your age.
I hope your stocks of Day-Glo lip’n’nose sun-block are holding up in face of the start of the Ashes and with memories of cricketers past. “Come on England” What? Oh sorry, I was forgetting, polite clapping and murmuring only if you will. Please wear a tie when watching the evening highlights.
Look, want to hear a rumour? You know that old phrase “Smoke on the horizon”. Well, if you are on a cruise as you read this, this may be the oncoming dento-nautical threat you were worried about.
AQP - “Any Qualified Provider” - is coming to a town near you There, I’ve said it. Seemingly a little heard rumour for the New Contract will be this subtle change to NHS Regulations which means any registrant will be able to become a contracted provider. The final cog of the dastardly Direct Access master plan is being assembled as we speak. World domination is not far off … Could it be that the “unexpected consequence” of the pilots is that NHS England work out how to design a contract for Direct Access of the lower cost Dental Hygienist/Therapist route. In case you missed it there was a recent gathering of biscuit munchers at that old mutual hugging salon, the Westminster Health Forum, where the big guns of the BDA are barely pea shooters to the heavy artillery of public servants. | ![]() |
Our old mate the CDO emerged as The Last Word. I am indebted to my reporter on the scene for the live action as it happened. If you were not there, you can get tax relief on the £95 for the write up of the day… [1]
The CDO “championed the pilots” and said that “although the basis of prevention was a ‘no brainer’ of an approach”, stated that ‘implementing “no brainers” is not as easy as people might think” [2]
That’s because dentistry needs people with brains, doh!
The CDO is reported as saying: ‘Workforce change doesn’t happen instantly. We need to start training for 20-30 years ahead and it will need a big “cultural change” "If we only engage the dental profession, it will take years. We have to engage a wider community with all DCPs playing a much greater part as a team providing care."
Ooh – do I detect the bitchiness coming out there? Not the GDPs critical friend now are we? Nurse, the smelling salts ... we're losing him...
Hell’s teeth – even Dr Paul Batchelor, that colleague synonymous with all that is enthusiastic about public funded health care, raised concerns about the current Fitness of Purpose of undergraduate education. Never mind 20 years from now. Those of us old enough to remember the dental workforce review of the ‘80’s and the dental school closure will wryly recall that it was the major reason why the DH was forced to go on a recruitment drive in the East.
The “Any Qualified Provider” concept is not about patient care – it’s about being seen to reduce cost. Fair enough but let’s not wrap it up in fluffy patient centred claptrap.
I think that a little change of emphasis is perhaps appropriate.
ANY Qualified Provider ? ANY… ??
That's better - it smacks a little more of the desperation that is truly revealed.
“Building services around the patient”, my arse. It’s all about money.
And so is a holiday – so enjoy your breaks and don’t worry about the strength of the Pound. Ciao for Niaow Amigos!
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