Have you ever microwaved your ice cream? Find out why your patients might!

Have you ever microwaved your ice cream? Find out why your patients might!


GSK, manufacturers of Sensodyne®, invite you to join their webinar event – ‘How can we measure the true patient impact of sensitive teeth?’ on Thursday 10th November from 6pm.

The presentation will be delivered by Professor Peter Robinson and is based on insights from the development of the ground-breaking Dentine Hypersensitivity Experience Questionnaire (DHEQ).

To register for the webinar online visit https://engage.vevent.com/rt/gskevents/index.jsp?seid=1119     NOW!

As many as 1 in 3 patients may be suffering from Dentine Hypersensitivity (DH).1 Research using the DHEQ amongst over 900 people highlighted the impacts that patients with the condition may experience:2

·         70% consider the sensations to take the pleasure out of eating and drinking*

·         59% try to avoid pain by biting food into small pieces*

·         32% think that having sensitive teeth makes them feel old*


Find out more about the impacts on your patients with Dentine Hypersensitivity by joining the webinar. Register online now to ensure your place –

visit https://engage.vevent.com/rt/gskevents/index.jsp?seid=1119.


*pooled analysis of 7 clinical studies involving 905 participants aged 18-65 (mean 39.7 years) in Canada, Europe and USA before treatment. All participants who gave the ratings of 5, 6 or 7 (agree a little, agree, strongly agree) on a 7-point impact scale were considered to have the impact in question.




1.      Addy M Int Dent J 2002; 52: 367-375

2.      GSK data on file, RH02026

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