7 Easy ways to save money and time in your dental practice in 2018

7 Easy ways to save money and time in your dental practice in 2018


Save money and time in your dental practice in 2018 by Jonny Jacobs

One of the aims we have always looked to achieve at GDPUK is saving money or producing special offers from our advertisers and partners for our 11,000 members. Running and operating a dental practice (or any business) can be extremely expensive and time consuming. Not all expenses or direct debits, will get checked every month because they aren’t always the first priority but often expenses can go out of our control.

Below is a short guide we have produced that looks at some ways you can save money and time in your dental practice in 2018.

**Disclaimer** A few of the money and time saving suggestions, are services that are offered by GDPUK via third parties. These services are available elsewhere but the suppliers we have mentioned have produced excellent savings for our members and provide a service that they have been extremely happy with. Only our opinion!



Dental Practices need all sorts of insurance. Insurance is always worth shopping around for when you consider the amount of cover a dental practice needs on a regular basis.

There are a number of insurances that a dental practice may choose to buy such as dental practice insurance, dental locum insurance, pressure vessel inspection, keyman protection insurance. All the policies are worth comparing the market, with a number of companies specialising in this area such as All Med Pro, Lloyd & Whyte and MIAB.


Dental Supplies

Over the years on the GDPUK Forum, our members have found that it is worth doing a price audit on their top 20-30 supplies in the practice based on volume per month and it can be found that with a bit of shopping around of dental suppliers, you can make some considerable savings for the practice. Obviously, credibility, reliability and efficiency of the suppliers also need to be taken into account for important supplies but some considerable savings can be made. This is certainly worth auditing a couple of times a year.


Credit Card Fees

We’re always looking to help you reduce costs without compromising the quality of your patient care. That’s why we’re working with nexpay to ensure the fees you pay on credit card processing are extremely competitive and save your dental practice money. Just contact us by the link below, nexpay will review your existing account and undertake a full market comparison. They will then produce a report that shows you the potential new tariff savings. Some GDPUK members are saving thousands of pounds a year on card processing fees.

You still provide the same service to your patients but save on the processing fees, which over a calendar year can often be quite a saving! Find out more here.


Water is used a lot in an average dental practice. On 1 April 2017, businesses were given the freedom to choose which water supplier to buy their water and wastewater services. This means there are loads of dental practices that will be paying over the odds for their water supply, certainly worth a quick shop or call around. Companies like amber energy and openwater will offer a comparison service and advice on what is a good offer. Once again a great opportunity to reduce costs in the new year.



GDPUK.com has teamed up with a leading independent business energy brokerage who is constantly striving to source the best products and most competitive market rates for businesses. With a vast array of suppliers and products available to the business market, quite often businesses are left without clear guidelines as to which is the best deal. Our broker can offer a comprehensive panel of suppliers who are vying for your business. For more information, please follow this link - https://www.gdpuk.com/energy Other similar type services are also available.


CQC and Regulation

Compliance is changing faster and faster. From the CQC Fundamental Standards in 2015, to the GDC standards in 2014 to changes in employment law, health and safety, sharps regulations and a whole lot more. Because the volume of compliance and regulation in a practice can seem to be overwhelming, it can be difficult for a dental practice owner or practice manager to keep on top of it all.

Services such as icomply and rightpath4, help to tell you what to do and keep you updated on the latest changes and legislation. This can help to save the practice a lot of time, stress and misunderstanding. It does help having everything in one place.

Right Path 4 who have always been great supporters of GDPUK have a special offer on for members of GDPUK. All future updates to the Right Path 4 system are included in this monthly fee. Further information here on how they can help you in your practice.


Software Systems

Although not necessarily saving you money in the short term, dental practice software systems certainly make your practice streamlined and more efficient for all members of the team.

You can save a lot of time in your practice by going paperless. One of these paperless systems is offered by iSmile, who offer your very own branded Patient Portal, where you can give your patients the ability to fill in medical history forms on their desktops, tablets and mobile devices prior to their appointment. iSmile can automatically email medical history forms to your patients, which are filled out securely online and then transmitted back to iSmile and stored within the patient's file, significantly reducing workload and paperwork at the dental practice reception.

Further information on this subject can be found via the GDPUK Forum:- Going Paperless.


We hope you found this guide to saving money and time in your dental practice extremely useful and it has got you thinking about areas that could be improved in your business.

Thanks for reading.

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Right Path 4 - Get Your Dental Practice on the Right Path

Right Path 4 - Get Your Dental Practice on the Right Path




What is Right Path 4?

Right Path 4 offer a system that covers everything you need for CQC Inspections and Visits.

  • If you want to correctly prepare for CQC
  • If you’re buying or selling a practice  
  • If you want to keep it simple - Right Path 4 are the people to contact.

Who makes up RP4?

RP4 is a small team of professionals who have a great deal of experience. We’re passionate about using this experience to help our colleagues to work within a team dedicated to providing the highest possible standards of health care.

Keith Hayes BDS(Lond)Hons PG Cert Dental Practice Appraisal RCS 51595 
Many of you know, will already know Keith from GDPUK. Keith qualified from The Royal London Hospital in 1977.  Keith was a dentist for over 30 years as well as teaching both undergraduates and post graduates. He has been the Clinical Director of a Dental Corporate as well as appointed as a Practice Supervisor and a Clinical Mentor by the NHS and the GDC. The CQC invited me to play a part in regulatory development as well as performing many CQC inspection visits, and as accompanying clinical adviser. Keith quickly realised that there is a real need for a simple understanding of exactly what the CQC want to be confident about. So he put together this simple but comprehensive CQC package.
Since publishing our simple CQC compliance package, the team have now provided detailed guidance often including practice visits to 700 practices and they visited 99 in 2016, plus 103 practices in 2017!


What do you receive?

RP4 Resources Library which has all the documentation, templates, surveys, audits and advice sheets you need to demonstrate that you comply and also that you are meeting the GDC Standards for the Dental Team. The Library is continually updated with access 24/7.

RP4 BLUEPRINT Modules on Clinical Risk Management, NHS Contract Management, PDP and Reflective writing and now ‘keeping your eye on the ball. All written by EXPERTS just for RP4 members.

RP4 are the EXPERTS by experience, there’s no joining fee and no ongoing contract tie in. We have the lowest fees and we have produced an RP4BLUEPRINT, the ‘go to’ people for more than 750 practices. Our Experts are all dentists with detailed experience of working with the Regulators and Indemnity Providers at the highest level.

Inspired by the CQC, Blueprint gives you the complete plan and Blueprint is only available to RP4 members

Below is video created by Keith, which explains the RP4 System.


If your practice would like to join RP4 today, there is a special offer for GDPUK Members (£59.95 a month for GDPUK Members), if you follow this link - https://pay.gocardless.com/AL00016VCPR74Z

For further information about RP4 and the team behind the system, please visit - https://www.rightpath4.com/blogs/



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Get your dental practice on the Right Path

Get your dental practice on the Right Path

When will you have the benefit of RIGHTPATH4 like hundreds of others? £250 once

Many pay £thousands or pay monthly to have an insight into CQC.

Some pay a lot less and once only and gain a whole lot more.

You could save yourself a fortune and join us now.

See what others say:


I just wanted to write to let you know how your package is working for us in our practice.


I’m not sure you are aware but we relocated premises in August 2014 moving from one surgery to three surgeries.  We recruited new staff and increased from five to sixteen, which included a trainee nurse, a nurse who had not worked in general practice for a year or so, an apprentice and a new housekeeper who had not worked in a dental practice.  It did feel like I was running around in circles as I did naively think you just transfer from one site to another.


I then came across the RightPath4 CQC package and purchased it at the start of the year and what an enormous benefit it has been to our practice. 


Having read all the information I delegated everything to all the staff, we then come together during lunch times, staff meetings etc to discuss, plan, and modify.  All the staff have completed the poisoned chalice, which is an interactive series of questions regarding each room.  I can then review their answers and add any questions they were unsure of or did not know, to the agenda for our next staff meeting. It has led to interesting staff meetings, with debates and staff keen to demonstrate what they do and what we should do.


The virtual inspection and clinical governance have been areas that the assistant manager and myself as practice manager have completed, and what a huge help they have been.  They look at: how we work in the practice, who should be doing it, why we should be doing it, when it should be completed, how it is completed and what we need to complete.  We have looked at every aspect at what we do, again, working closely with all the staff, who have helped by giving their input on the paperwork, processes and procedures we need to complete.  We have even kept all our working documents as evidence of how we have moved on.


From my point of view it’s all very well, writing a policy and procedure but does it really work in practice, I found that by getting all the staff involved, helps with morale and motivates them more to know they are being heard, and that their input is valuable and taken very seriously.


I know the package is something which we will use continually, to review and monitor our practice, and any questions I might have, I know I can email you.


Sorry for going on I just wanted to let you know how grateful we are for your package and the help you have given and continue to give to us.


Kind regards,



Noah’s Ark Dental Practice 


For further information on the Right Path 4 service, contact details are below. 


Telephone: 01892 521245 
(Office days and evening)
Mobile: 07831496477 

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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GDPUK Q&A Session with Keith Hayes

Keith pictured with his mug for
2000 posts on GDPUK
Here at GDPUK towers we have conducted a short interview with Keith Hayes, who is a retired dentist and currently runs a business called RightPath4 which advises dental practices on CQC inspections. Keith is a keen user of GDPUK and incredibly passionate about dentistry in the UK. We hope you enjoy reading some of his thoughts and ideas for UK Dentistry.
JJ:Please give us a brief background to your dental career?
KH:I’m celebrating a joint 120th birthday party with my dear wife and RightPath4 partner in crime in exactly one month. I qualified from the Royal London Hospital, fount of all knowledge in 1977. 
I returned to teach undergrads part time as well as joining a partnership in a mixed practice for 25 years; selling to a small Corporate in 2000.
I then started a private squat in a village setting and built the practice quickly to be three dentists and two hygienists working 6 days a week. Unfortunately I needed to take early retirement owing to an arthritic problem and this showed me that retirement was never going to be a suitable option for me! 
I have also been Clinical Director for a small Corporate as well as a compliance organisation. I have started an MSc Healthcare Management and Governance and my dissertation topic is ‘Efficacy and the CQC, on the right path?’
I am still a dental registrant, paying my indemnity as I believe I can’t advise others unless I too sometimes share the pain and disappointment we feel at the hands of those who claim to be our elders. Fortunately I still feel that Dentistry was exactly the right career choice for me.
JJ:How did you end up becoming so involved with all things CQC?
KH:Since 2009, I have become interested in how we are regulated in dentistry. Around the same time I began posting on GDPUK.
Probably as a result of my articles and occasional outspoken postings; I was invited to work with the CQC by the National Dental Adviser and enjoyed immensely being able to add my thoughts on dental regulation as well as making my suggestions for appointing dental bank expert advisers and then carrying out a great many dental practice inspections. Dental practice inspection is stressful not only for those on the receiving end and it’s extremely important that inspectors are calibrated and proportionate with their judgements. I believe that the new round of inspections starting in April will make significant improvements and will also allow practices to feel they have been endorsed by passing a more focused inspection rather than admonished by a less relevant generic one.
JJ:How long have you used GDPUK? What do you enjoy about using it?
KH:I’ve been a member since 2008 and that means I have averaged making almost two postings per day! I think this demonstrates how useful I have found being able to be an active member of a professional group. Too often, especially now days with so many pressures heaped upon the dentist, it is all too easy to think you are alone or unique with these problems. I have often been helped in a practical way to come up with a solution to a dilemma and I hope I have managed to help a few colleagues with theirs. From the size of my daily email inbox; I think we can say that there are a lot more lurkers than posters on GDPUK.
Whenever I am invited to speak at a meeting, I always take a straw poll of GDPUK er’s in the audience. It surprises me still that there are many out there who have yet to tap into this fantastic resource, probably the best we have by far.
JJ:As an advertiser on the site, have you found the site a good place to gain business and credibility?
KH:Well it’s always the first site I would go to when considering advertising my product. Not only do I seem to have a great response, but I find the quality of the inquiry is often at a higher level of understanding than other sources. It really is easier to help someone who knows what they are looking for.
I got a stunningly informative and significant response to my CQC Efficacy survey (nearly 200 replies) and the CQC are listening to what we have said.
At dental exhibitions, it never ceases to amaze and thrill me at the numbers of colleagues who tell me they follow my postings and are then encouraged to ask me their questions. I retired (I thought) a little while back, but I can tell you that I have never felt as involved in dentistry than I am now; much of the credit for this goes to GDPUK, thank you.
JJ:What changes do you expect to see in the CQC over the next few months? and also moving forward over the next decade?
KH:I think they are concentrating on the new changes they have made in the inspection process and will be surveying all practices to provide feedback following on from a visit. I personally think their survey is too long (9 pages) and should not be mandatory with identification as this may stifle any true opinions. The CQC have asked me to repeat my survey later in the year and I hope this will give a true reflection of their performance.
I am hopeful that John Milne will bring greater understanding of dentistry to the CQC and I still hope that I will be allowed to contribute my sixpenneth.
All providers of health services require regulation and yet it must be sensible, appropriate and fairly applied. I believe the CQC started with a very broad and ill-defined mandate; have listened and focused more clearly on the nuances of dental practice. They now need to carry the profession with them by demonstrating that when businesses make sensible improvements and work with clearly defined systems and an open and positive team culture, they become better businesses not only for the owners but also the patients and staff.  If the CQC can use more carrot and less threat of stick, we may yet see real benefits over the next ten years. There is always a risk however that the CQC is used by some people for their own agenda; I hope this will not continue.
JJ:What are your predictions for UK dentistry over the next 5 years?
KH: Wow, crystal ball time!
I hoped that we were about to have an honest debate about what we can and what we can’t afford to provide in the NHS. Sadly it seems that all politicians of whatever creed will want to dance around their handbags for fear of being attacked by daring to suggest that the NHS is something less than perfect. This is of course a terrible lost opportunity to design a high quality core system which allows the profession to discuss all options and encourage patients to take responsibility for their chosen path. If we could allow the profession to deliver all that we are capable of without these artificial barriers of NHS vs Private, then I believe UK dentistry would indeed become world class.
At the present time, if I were 30 years younger, I would be looking to enhance my skills and use them in my own private practice. I believe that we may have to allow the Corporates to take on most NHS dentistry and to dramatically shift the skilling mix to allow the most cost effective person to provide each aspect of care.
JJ:Which three people from the world of dentistry would you invite round to your house for a dental dinner party?
KH:I’m afraid that at the moment I don’t have names for two of my dinner guests as I would want to invite the new CDO as a person who has current wet fingered experience of actually delivering the expected standards required by the GDC and the CQC and who is also co-opted into a senior position on the GDC executive.
My second guest would be the new CEO of the GDC, who would also be a dental registrant of course and in a much better position to both put patients first and understand how dental teams can be expected to deliver. I could not invite someone who has little relevant understanding of operating a dental practice as I fear they would be uncomfortable guests.
My third guest would be the Secretary of State for Health, although I suspect I may need to draw up another place name in the near future!
The theme for the evening would be a murder mystery; ‘Who was most responsible for murdering NHS Dentistry?’
JJ: Thanks Keith
For further information on Right Path 4 and how they can help your dental practice please check out www.rightpath4.com
If you would like to further information on GDPUK.com please get in touch with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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