MASS OBSERVATION – Your profession, Your experiences, Your opinions

MASS OBSERVATION – Your profession, Your experiences, Your opinions


This October the FGDP(UK) is undertaking an ambitious initiative called the ‘Mass Observation’ project. Subtitled ‘Your profession, Your experiences, Your opinions’ the project aims to capture a snapshot of the dental profession in 2016. 

Everyone in dentistry, from receptionists to practice owners, is invited to submit their experiences about one particular day working in dentistry. The official Mass Observation Day is Wednesday 12th October but people can choose to talk about any day in the week of the 10th to the 16th October. 

Although a small amount of demographic data will be gathered all submissions are anonymous, enabling people to be as candid as possible. The two main questions are deliberately very open: 


  • What did you do today? 
  • What are your thoughts on the profession? 

Within the parameters of those two questions people can write whatever they want, providing they do not breech patient confidentiality. 

The main anticipated outcome from the project is a wealth of anecdotal evidence about dentistry in 2016, and what those involved in the practice of dentistry think about the profession. Whatever themes emerge will be examined in a report to be produced as part of the FGDP(UK)’s 25th anniversary celebrations in 2017. 

Dean of the FGDP(UK) Dr Mick Horton said: 
“This project was inspired by the Mass Observation Project that ran for nearly three decades from 1937. Ordinary people shared snapshots of their lives, and in doing so created an invaluable treasure trove of social history. The FGDP(UK) now wants to create something similar to help us celebrate general dental practice during our 25th anniversary next year. 

We want the whole profession to get involved, not just Faculty members. Dentistry is a wonderful and diverse profession, full of people with fascinating experiences and strong views to share. We want to hear from them all.” 



To take part visit

People will have until the 31st October to submit their contributions. your social media marketing partner
  13075 Hits
13075 Hits

Denplan’s response to the recent debate on the benefits of flossing

Denplan’s response to the recent debate on the benefits of flossing



Following the recent announcement that the US government is withdrawing its recommendation to floss from its dietary guidelines, based on the lack of definitive scientific studies to prove its effectiveness on gum disease and tooth decay, Denplan has shared its response.

“When talking about evidence and studies, it’s important to distinguish between the terms ‘flossing’ and ‘cleaning between teeth’,” says Henry Clover, Chief Dental Officer at Denplan. “Floss, whether it’s tape or string, is only one of the methods to clean between teeth and some studies have shown that traditional floss is not always effective for some people. This is partly due to patients not always being able to use the floss correctly and the fact that a thin piece of floss might only remove a proportion of plaque and food particles between teeth. There is, however, strong evidence* to show that other methods of cleaning between teeth, such as interdental brushes, are highly effective in removing plaque and helping to prevent or treat gum disease.

“Tooth brushing only reaches around 70 percent of tooth surfaces, so if you’re not regularly removing plaque from in between your teeth, there will be bacteria building up and potentially causing problems. This includes an increased risk of gum disease, tooth decay and bad breath.

“It’s vitally important that patients don’t misinterpret the US government’s recent withdrawal of the recommendation to floss as a message that they only need to brush their teeth, and never clean in between them. We would strongly urge patients to follow an evidence-based approach continue to clean between their teeth, as advised by their dental team, using whatever method work best for them, be it floss, interdental brushes or waterpiks.”











About Henry Clover

Henry Clover joined the Professional Services team of Denplan in 1998, having worked as a dentist for 17 years looking after patients’ oral health in his own practice. He now holds the position of Director of Dental Policy at Simplyhealth and is also Chief Dental Officer at Denplan. Henry playing a vital role in Simplyhealth’s Leadership Team and is at the forefront of private dentistry liaising with more than 6,500 member dentists.

About Denplan

Denplan is the UK’s leading dental payment plan specialist, with more than 6,500 member dentists nationwide caring for approximately 1.7 million registered patients. Established in 1986 by two dentists who pioneered the concept of dental payment plans, Denplan has been at the heart of dental care for nearly 30 years and today the company is owned by Simplyhealth. Denplan has a wide range of dental plans for adults and children, enabling patients to budget for their private dental care by spreading the cost through a fixed monthly fee. We support regular attendance and preventive care, reducing the need for clinical intervention and helping patients to maintain healthy teeth and gums for life.

For further information visit For oral health tips and advice visit Patient enquiries telephone: 0800 401 402   Dentist enquiries telephone: 0800 328 3223

  • Denplan Care: all routine and restorative care + worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover
  • Denplan Essentials: routine care only + worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover
  • Plans for Children: routine and other agreed care + worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover
  • Membership Plan: registered with the dentist + worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover
  • Denplan Emergency: worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover only
  • Company Dental Plans: company funded, voluntary and flexible benefit schemes

Denplan also provides a range of professional services for its member dentists and their practice teams, including the Denplan Quality Programme, Denplan Excel Accreditation Programme and Denplan Training, plus regulatory advice, business and marketing consultancy services and networking opportunities.


For more information about Denplan:

Sara Elliott

Denplan Press Office

Tel: 01962 828 194

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. your social media marketing partner
  10392 Hits
10392 Hits

Small things can make a big impact

Small things can make a big impact

There are so many little things that can impact considerably on our life. The world has recently been subjected to the devastating effects of the tiny Aedes aegypti mosquito that is believed to be responsible for spreading the Zika virus, causing microcephaly in new-born babies. Equally, small gestures such as a friendly smile, a word of encouragement or a genuine ‘thank you’ can lift the spirits and really make a difference to the day. Minor things such as wearing our favourite jumper, having a good belly laugh or getting into a bed with clean sheets, can make a big impact on how we feel. Similarly, by making a slightly different lifestyle choice, taking a different attitude to a matter or discovering a slightly more efficient way of carrying out a task has the potential to make giant strides in our success.

It is not always possible to change or improve some things immediately but by beginning with small manageable activities there is much more chance of achieving bigger targets. Take the marathon runner as an example; most people cannot wake up one morning and decide they will run for 26 miles, they need to begin slowly and gradually to build and develop the stamina they need to run long distance. Another example is when we are faced with never-ending list of little jobs to do. It can soon become overwhelming even though they may not critical. However the completion of just one small task can make us feel a whole lot better. It is the same for dental patients, if they make regular appointments that only take a little time, they can avoid lengthy, more invasive treatments. Dental professionals constantly reinforce oral hygiene instructions because if patients pay attention to these details much larger dental issues can be prevented.

Inflammation of the gums or gingivitis is another case in point. As dental professionals will know, if detected early it can be treated successfully with relatively simple steps before it develops into more serious periodontal disease. When periodontal disease develops however, pockets form between the teeth and gums that collect plaque and rapidly breed perio-pathogenic bacteria. If this is not addressed damage to the supporting tissues can occur and ultimately lead to tooth loss. To treat these cases effectively, practitioners must first perform root surface debridement (RSD) to clear away toxins and often follow this with maintenance therapy to prevent recolonisation. PerioChip® is an ideal adjunct for this purpose, because although very tiny, is able eliminate a wide spectrum of microbes. PerioChip® can be placed directly into periodontal pockets of 5mm or deeper and slowly releases chlorhexidine digluconate to eliminate 99% of perio-pathogenic bacteria over 7-10 days.[1] This little chip then continues to suppress the growth of microflora for up to 11 weeks[2] allowing time for pockets to heal and the teeth to stabilise. Clinical studies showed a pocket reduction of more than 2mm in almost three quarters of patients when PerioChip® was placed every three months in combination with RSD,[3] which confirms that something very small can make a substantial difference.


PerioChip® is available exclusively from Dexcel Dental, to order or for further information call 0800 013 2333 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Summary of product link;



[1] Jeffcoat M K et al. Adjunctive use of a subgingival controlled-release chlorhexidine chip. J Periodontal 1998; 69 (9): 989 – 997. [Accessed 17th February 2016]

[2] Summary of Characteristics PerioChip® [Accessed 17th February 2016]

[3] Soslkolne W.A et al. Probing depth changes following 2 years of periodontal maintenance therapy including adjunctive controlled-release of chlorhexidine. JOP 2003;74:420-427. [Accessed 17th February 2016] your social media marketing partner
  4340 Hits
4340 Hits

What will happen to associates?

What will happen to associates?

Nils Bohr was a Danish hero who received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922. The national brewer, Carlsberg, built Bohr a house. The home was next door to the brewery and allegedly had a direct feed from it, he fathered six children thus providing an early inspiration for the Carlsberg “refreshing the parts” adverts.

He once said, “Prediction is very difficult especially when it’s about the future.” Difficult or not I’m going to look at the future for young dentists in (general) Dental Practice.

It would be wrong to stare into the crystal ball without a quick glance over my shoulder. A sage told me in 1988 that in the future in the UK, “There will be NHS clinics and Private Practices”. With hindsight I’m surprised it took so long to get to where we are now.

Post Brexit, one big hitter remaining in-post is the Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt. There is still no money. The UK doesn’t care what Europe thinks of it, I know, but sometimes you hear the truth. A medic on Irish radio this week said, “The Tories don't like the NHS and Jeremy Hunt is doing his best to dismantle the basic principles of it”. In dentistry many of those basic principles are long gone and the remaining ones are being eroded as we watch.

No more money for education either. University fees and associated living costs are on the rise. Without free movement across borders in the future, university incomes from overseas may fall and UK student fees must rise accordingly. Dentistry is one of the most expensive courses to run, why not make the fees reflect those costs? Dentistry may well become the domain of the privileged, whose parents can afford to subsidise their offspring or arrange the loans for them.

With the recent relaxation of University status perhaps “a large corporate” could create or take over one or more of the Dental Schools to provide cadetships. The armed services have done this for many years. Five undergraduate years in receipt of a bursary and the tuition fees paid. The opportunity for vacation work/internships getting experience of all sorts at flagship practices and the indoctrination / assimilation becomes complete. Post-qualification you commit to, say, 10 years of service or have to repay their investment.

It is possible with this model that corporate dentistry can provide the closest thing to a career structure in general practice, something that the NHS has failed to do and significantly prevented private practice from doing.

The status of NHS associates does not bear close examination. In England and Wales there are fixed targets. Countrywide, associates do not provide their own equipment, are not directly responsible for marketing, wages, materials and so on and by any stretch of the imagination cannot retain the privilege of being self employed for much longer.

A quick flick of the pen by someone senior at HMRC would convert the status of associates to salaried employees. This might be welcomed by many dentists, young and old, especially those who have responsibility for childcare or who have spouses or partners who are in reasonably rewarded jobs.

Time and attitudes have changed and full ownership or traditional partnerships aren’t for everyone. The baby boomers who qualified before compulsory VT/FD and are now the (predominantly) male/pale/stale retiring on the proceeds of the corporate cash which many once derided. They may well be the last of their species.

Many young dentists look at the price of practices, the bureaucracy and the day to day pressure of practice ownership and decide that is not for them. The NHS has evolved into “turn up, get your UDAs, keep your nose clean from the GDC & CQC and go home”. Sounds like a job to me - not a vocation. The millennials are, allegedly, not keen on being tied to one particular practice.

In 2015-16 the admission target, for English dental schools only, was 809, presuming a 10% drop out rate and excluding overseas students there will be another 700 new dentists joining the ranks of the profession year on year. Of these about two-thirds will be female. At present the profession’s mix is 50-50 but it’s a fact that women work less than men over the course of a career, men don’t have babies and predominantly childcare duties fall to mothers not fathers.

This trend started with medicine and has had a profound effect both in   general and hospital practice. Interestingly the sex-mix pendulum has swung back in some medical schools.

One reaction with medical GPs is the change in status in response to the difficulty in recruiting partners by expanding the number of salaried doctors.  The government sees this as easier to control and privatise. Those GPs in favour of becoming salaried has now reached nearly 30%, nowhere near a majority but significant numbers are beginning to think the unthinkable.

In my last piece for GDPUK I wrote, “Meanwhile many quiet, thoughtful young dentists are taking a long view and working at their skills.” They are realising that to escape the mire of the NHS demands a commitment to growing themselves and that the sacrifices don’t stop with a BDS. In fact the years of serious dedication are just starting.

So the future, NHS clinics run by a handful of large corporates with salaried dentists and therapists, and private practices where an M.Sc is the starting point for consideration.

Your choice. your social media marketing partner
  9718 Hits
9718 Hits

Staying innovative in a growing business


Dentisan [Quadralene] is delighted to announce that Managing Director Andy Corley, has been invited to take part in the CBI’s MSB (Medium Sized Business) Summit 2016, entitled ‘Meeting the Productivity Challenge’.

This prestigious event, being held on 7 July in Central London, will explore the challenges that medium-sized businesses face in raising productivity and highlight some of the practical steps that such businesses can take to increase output and unlock new growth.

Designed for CEOs and senior leaders of MSBs, the Summit will include keynote and panel sessions and Andy will participate in one of the key case studies ‘Staying innovative in a growing business’.

Whilst companies such as Dentisan [Quadralene] have a proud legacy of developing new and exciting technologies and innovations, the UK as a whole underperforms when investing in Research & Development. Addressing this issue is essential for international competitiveness and plays a crucial role in making the UK a place in which to invest and grow a business. During the session Andy will highlight the steps Dentisan [Quadralene] has taken to become an innovator within its market, and explain the important role that R&D has played in its success.

Andy commented, “I am delighted to be taking part in such an important event. Innovation is central to our business ethos, and we could not succeed without significant investment in R&D. It has been a lynchpin of our business, and concentrating on innovation has helped us to both attract new employees and release the latent potential within our existing team. I am very much looking forward to sharing our experiences with other like-minded business leaders.”


For more information, visit

Twitter: @DentisanLtd

Facebook: Dentisan Ltd your social media marketing partner
  4136 Hits
4136 Hits

Wrights’ Scottish Dental Show Success

Wrights’ Scottish Dental Show Success


With its competitive prices and unbeatable customer service, Wrights proved popular with delegates at The Scottish Dental Show 2016.

In addition to showcasing its exclusive partnerships with top companies such as Planmeca and Bien Air, Wrights was pleased to display products from its very own Essential Range.

Delegates also enjoyed the deals that were available on stand, not to mention the limited seasonal flyers that were on offer to all who attended the show.

For those that didn't get a chance to visit the distributor with a difference in Scotland, make sure you visit the website today to discover the latest promotions and prices available.

Wrights also regularly offer website only offers, so for ultimate value for money, contact this sterling supplier today.


For more information contact Wrights on 0800 66 88 99 or visit the easy to navigate website your social media marketing partner
  9767 Hits
9767 Hits

Upcoming IAS Inman Aligner Courses

Upcoming IAS Inman Aligner Courses


The IAS Academy is dedicated to providing a guided learning pathway that combines an ethical, supportive and educational approach with the use of effective, safe and minimally invasive appliances.

For general dental practitioners (GDPs) looking to make the move into anterior alignment orthodontics, the IAS Academy has a number of upcoming IAS Inman Aligner hands-on certification courses across the UK including:

  • 3rd June 2016 – The Ibis Hotel in Birmingham
  • 4th June 2016 - Cranmore Dental & Implant Clinic in Belfast
  • 22nd July 2016 – Windsor Dental in Manchester
  • 23rd September 2016 – British Dental Association in London
  • 18th November 2016 – British Dental Association in London

Once all GDPs have completed the course, online support is available 24/7 from IAS Academy mentors that are readily available to offer advice when and where it is needed.

“The online support has been invaluable for communication links with the trainers and has provided me with access to past examples of the implementation of the appliance,” said Dr. Yolande Mbappe, a certified IAS Inman Aligner user.

To book your place on one of the upcoming courses, contact IAS Academy today – don't miss out!


For more information on upcoming IAS Academy training courses, including the IAS Inman Aligner,

please visit or call 0845 366 5477 your social media marketing partner
  4511 Hits
4511 Hits

Spring Motivation?

Spring Motivation?


Motivation is funny old thing. What is that makes you get up and go to work? In amongst the demands of family life, most of us have to insert some productive hours to generate income to fund the lifestyle of our choice. So be it. But dark winters, both meteorologically and professional with persistent bad news, take their toll.

So as the days lengthen, the earth continuing to tilt on its axis, and the temperatures rise, notwithstanding the unusual nature of May snow !]  you feel the burdens of winter lifting. So let the sun warm your face and raise your spirits. It makes a change from rust and frostbite!

May and its adjacent months are the period of Dental Shows, and Conferences. The Dentistry Show in Birmingham, an acclaimed success, despite the fact that only 5% of the registrant population attend. Then the BDA Conference in Manchester takes place at the end of May and the LDC Conference 2 weeks later, in Manchester too. The Scots LDC Conference took place at the end of April.

These events are a chance to catch up, network with colleagues, and begin to feel good about your profession.  Feel the draw of the latest technologies and equipment, dream, perhaps plan, the next big step in your professional life.

It’s not too late to drop into the BDA Conference and call your Representatives to account. 130 Sessions over 3 days. The link is below.  Manchester in May? Blazing sunshine, darling.  If you have not been, give it some thought. Motivate yourself.


Forgiveness is motivating ?

Motivation in its widest sense might mean, for example, that past misdemeanours of our lead regulator fade into a forgiving memory. Sadly recent events mean I cannot avoid mention our old muckers, the "Wimpole Street Stasi".

Spare a thought for the situation of our colleague Dr David Lee, whose wellbeing and reputation have been unnecessarily tested to breaking point by an FtP Hearing at the GDC which was not just thrown out, but was found so wanting that there was NO CASE TO ANSWER. In other words the GDC simply drove an FtP case on a spurious basis.  I urge you to read the hearing while you can, and gasp in anger and sympathy that such events can even be commenced, let alone taken to this £1/4M expensive debacle.

The GDC Chairman, Dr William Moyes, has only last week had the gall to stand up at the Scottish LDCs meeting [linked here to a GDPUK thread] and state that  he is not resigning because, in essence he is part of “The Solution”.  So much for accountability for his Councils distinct lack of proper oversight.

Dr Moyes may be part of some perverse Final Solution but I am not sure that is part of what he has in mind.

For me and my colleagues such as Dr Keith Hayes it is a motivating feeling to think that Dr Moyes is still in post and still does not get it.   Time for a Spring clean? 

So does motivation really increases your capacity to forgive or does it merely allow you to feel justified in moving on in respect of matters about which, in truth, you can do little?

“Whatever, no worries” becomes your daily Gallic shrug.  It’s sunny and the days are long, do I care?

Good job really if you are NHS funded.... Read on ...



Lost you way? You’re not the only ones…


The perils of the all new, singing and dancing Government computerised support in the form of Compass is just ‘one of those things’. Oh for a paper FP17 – oh wait they have changed them, slotted in some extra data collection but failed to print them in time. Online advice on their filling-in is there – but no FP17 other than a sample version!  So use the old ones for now – which Compass of course cannot process properly!


The stories of struggles with Compass are now becoming more than irritating – it is beginning to feel like the software has not been properly specified and it may, if the present shambles is anything to go be, be at least one financial year before all the errors and omissions are corrected. Indeed, Compass and its pointed failures  have been a feature a long thread on GDP UK recently if you have not read it.

Meanwhile, if you are spinning your Compass to see which way it points, Good Luck!   You are not alone…  This was a Government Spring Clean which does not appear to have worked well.


CQC – Motivating better regulation

On the other hand, compliance is never an easy activity. Let’s face it we are all dragged to the altar screaming. The CQC, in particular now they have Dr John Milne in a leading role, barely a year after his Chair of the BDAs GDPC ceased, are actually evolving fast and well and now leading the future of Regulation in the wider sense.

Not only are their processes actually evolving fast and being targeted where needed, but they are dragging all the regulatory participants to the table to sort out who does what.

They are to be congratulated for their initiative, “The Future of Dental Service Regulation”  a punchy, pleasantly  brief document that has great potential to change dentistry for the better. Read it here.

You can take part – so go to the links and get your say in. It will make you feel better.  The CQC are looking increasingly like an effective strategic ally of the Dental Profession, with scope to act where the Professional Services Authority [PSA] lack the teeth.

Now that feels better!!


The weather? Yeah, motivating, isn’t it?

Good job everything else in life is a motivating force for good.

It seems that some of the leading agencies upon which we depend could do with a Spring Clean.

Where shall we start?

Have great one.





Dentistry Show

BDA Conference

LDC Conference


GDC Case – Dr David Lee

LDC Scotland Moyes encounter

Dr Keith Hayes


GDPUK Compass thread

FP17 R9 Guidance

FP17 R9  sample form


Consultation on Regulation:

The Document
 your social media marketing partner
  7809 Hits
7809 Hits

Advertise your Course or Conference on

Advertise your Course or Conference on


Thanks for clicking through to find out more about advertising your course, conference or website on


Get noticed by the thousands of Dentists on GDPUK every month.


Below we have put some excellent pricing for advertising on the site from April 16 onwards. We believe the site is an exceptional place to attract dentists who are interested in learning on your course or conference in 2016.


Advertise your course one month at a time, improved pricing offered for 2 or more months booked. Please get in touch for more information.


All advertising includes 2 PR pieces per month published on the site, which we share on social media to our 5,000 + followers.


Advertising Options start from £250+vat for the month


All banners appear in rotation with other banner ads throughout the month you book.


Email banner - appears on our daily digest emails - 468x60px

Usual Price …. £395 + vat  …….Special offer - £250 + vat


Forum banner Spot 2 - appears on forum pages on left hand side of page - approx 30,000 impressions per month - 300x250px

Usual Price - £475 + vat ……. Special offer - £325 + vat


Forum banner Spot 1 - appears on forum pages on left hand side of page, above Spot 2 - approx 30,000 impressions per month - 300x250px

Usual Price - £550 + vat ……. Special offer - £395 + vat


Leaderboard Banner - available from May onwards, appears on all pages of the site at the top, 728x90px

Usual Price - £950 + vat ……. Special offer - £750 + vat


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book your space on the site and

get your course advertised in front of your target audience. your social media marketing partner
  4716 Hits
4716 Hits

Denplan’s Excel programme becomes first dental service to be awarded UKAS accreditation

Denplan’s Excel programme becomes first dental service to be awarded UKAS accreditation

Denplan’s Excel programme, an advanced quality assurance programme, developed for dentists to help support clinical governance, professional regulation and excellence in patient care and communication has been formally assessed and accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS). UKAS accreditation of the Excel programme is ground-breaking because it is the first dental service world-wide to achieve such recognition.

UKAS are the sole national accreditation body recognised by government to assess organisations that provide certification, testing and inspection services against internationally agreed standards. UKAS accredit over 3,000 organisations worldwide throughout industry, business and commerce for this purpose.  Accreditation by UKAS demonstrates an organisation’s competence, impartiality, capability and helps underpin the credibility of performance, goods and services. The accreditation of Denplan’s Excel programme will ensure that patients continue to receive high standards and quality of care in dentistry, which is supportive of current NHS and overall government healthcare objectives.

Henry Clover, Deputy Chief Dental Officer at Denplan, responsible for leading Denplan through the accreditation process commented:  “We are thrilled that fifteen years after the launch of the Excel programme, heralding the arrival of a unique quality assurance programme in UK dentistry, it has now been granted UKAS accreditation.  This is the culmination of an enormous amount of work to demonstrate that all aspects of the Excel programme conform to the ISO 17065 standard for bodies certifying products, processes and services.

“UKAS accreditation of the Denplan Excel programme is recognition that Denplan has the necessary competence, combined with robust procedures and operations in place to assess the wide range of clinical, governance, legal and regulatory tasks that dental practices have to perform. This will continue to ensure that high standards in patient care and communication are met by Denplan’s Excel dentists. 

“We believe that this accolade will also place all Excel dentists in a favourable position, as the GDC (General Dental Council) moves towards introducing a revalidation scheme (now known as ‘continuing assurance’) and regulators like the CQC also recognising the potential value of clinical service accreditation and peer review schemes as information sources to support its inspections*.”

Paul Stennett, Chief Executive of UKAS commented: “Congratulations to everyone at Denplan on becoming the world’s first dental service to achieve UKAS accreditation.  Confidence in the quality of a number of diverse health and social care services is already underpinned by UKAS accreditation, from imaging services and medical laboratories, to physiological services and care home inspections.  Accreditation of the Denplan Excel programme represents a natural extension of that confidence into the dental care sector, providing assurance to commissioners, providers and patients alike.”

Accreditation will be monitored through annual surveillance visits, with a full re-assessment every four years. Denplan Excel dentists will now be allowed to use the UKAS symbol alongside the Excel logo and Denplan will be supplying practices with a new Excel plaque free of charge.

Excel dentists also gain free access to Denplan’s market-leading patient communication and assessment tool, DEPPA. This is an evidence-based assessment which allows dentists to produce a colour coded report to present to patients which can help aid understanding and communication regarding their oral health and future risk of dental caries, periodontal disease, tooth wear and oral cancer. Further information about Denplan Excel and DEPPA can be found at






About Denplan


Denplan Limited is the UK’s leading dental payment plan specialist owned by Simplyhealth; with more than 6,500 member dentists nationwide caring for approximately 1.7 million Denplan registered patients. Established in 1986 by two dentists who pioneered the concept of dental payment plans, Denplan has been at the heart of dental care for nearly 30 years. Today, Denplan has a wide range of dental plans for adults and children, enabling patients to spread the cost of their private dental care through a fixed monthly fee. Denplan supports regular attendance and preventive care, reducing the need for clinical intervention and helping patients to maintain healthy teeth and gums for life. Patient enquiries telephone: 0800 401 402   Dentist enquiries telephone: 0800 328 3223


  • Denplan Care: all routine and restorative care + worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover
  • Denplan Essentials: routine care only + worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover
  • Plans for Children: routine and other agreed care + worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover
  • Membership Plan: registered with the dentist + worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover
  • Denplan Emergency: worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover only
  • Corporate Dental Plans: company funded, voluntary and flexible benefit schemes


Denplan also provides a range of professional services for its member dentists and their practice teams, including the Denplan Quality Programme, Denplan Excel Certification Programme and Denplan Training.  Plus regulatory advice, business and marketing consultancy services and networking opportunities.


For more information about Denplan:

Rebecca Hutton

Denplan Press Office

Tel: 01962 829 179

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


About Simplyhealth


We have been helping people with their health for over 140 years. Our roots are in the hospital funds set up during the Victorian era to help working people save for their medical care, and we still follow mutual values today. With no shareholders, our profits go back into supporting our customers and healthcare charitable causes, donating over £1 million each year. Last year, we donated £1.4 million.


In 2011, we acquired Denplan Limited, the UK’s leading dental payment plan specialist. Simplyhealth has 1,391 employees based across our offices in Andover, Manchester, Leeds and Denplan in Winchester. We serve our 3.5 million customers through cash plans, dental plans, Denplan and pet health plans. Simplyhealth has Independent Living Centres which provide daily living and mobility products, including powerchairs, mobility scooters and wheelchairs, in Andover, Bristol, Burnham, Droitwich, Kenilworth, Leeds, Northfield, Norwich, Sutton Coldfield, Telford, Willenhall and Wolverhampton.


Simplyhealth is a trading name of Simplyhealth Access, which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.


For further information:


Caroline Newton, Public Relations and Social Media Manager 0344 579 2274

Laura Miller, Media Relations Officer 0344 579 2266

Or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Follow us on Twitter @SimplyhealthUK and at


About UKAS

The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) is the National Accreditation Body (NAB) for the UK.  Its role is to assess evaluating organisations to international standards.  UKAS operates under a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).  UKAS accreditation involves assessment of certification, inspection, testing and calibration services.  For further information about UKAS visit:

All media enquiries should be directed to Phil Russell in the UKAS press office: E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. T: 020 7689 5155 your social media marketing partner
  7912 Hits
7912 Hits

Back by Popular Demand! Safe4 Returns to Dentistry

Back by Popular Demand! Safe4 Returns to Dentistry

Allan Stockwin, Chairman of Safe4 and ex-Chairman of the Dental Buying Group (DBG), announces a return to the dental market.


When I sold the DBG and The Dental Supply House in 2010, I decided to retain control of Safe4, one of the most ethical ranges of products available in the UK.

The company has always maintained its primary principle of delivering safe products that protect both the end user and the environment. It's been a big educational exercise but we have managed to spread the word in many markets and deal directly with the majority of customers who care about their patients and the environment.

Our next endeavor is to return to the dental profession, which up until now has always purchased through dental wholesale companies. Understandably, many of these companies have few loyalties to brands and little understanding of the products they sell and the substances contained within them. They simply stock and sell the solutions in most demand, or those that generate the largest profit. Some even sell Safe4 and many dentists used it when The Dental Supply House was still operating.

By offering our products directly to you, we strive to really get to know you and therefore deliver a more personalised service tailored to the type of business you run and the demands you face. In addition to providing full data sheets, we can explain them to you as well, answering any questions you may have there and then.

We believe we have managed, through our educational programme, to dramatically reduce the number of hazardous products sold in the UK and abroad. However, we still have a long way to go and it would be nice to think we can be as successful in the dental market as we have been in many other markets.

We have been very mindful to remain abreast of the very latest advancements and changes to the regulations surrounding cleaning and disinfectant products and protocols in the healthcare and veterinary sectors. As such, we have been, and continue to be, not only well placed to offer clarification and advice on these topics, but also very happy to do so as part of the service we provide. We are here to help you ensure the highest standards of safety within your practice and we are proud to offer you such highly effective, easy-to-use and safe disinfection products.

Worldwide Endorsement

When you look at the list of internationally leading names using Safe4 products, it can't be a coincidence that they have chosen the best to protect their staff and clients. In the animal care sector, for example, we are proud to work with key global organisations, zoos and sanctuaries such as Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, Blue Cross, London Zoo, Twycross Zoo, Chester Zoo, PDSA and Universal Studios, as well as SeaLife in 10 different countries around the world.


Safe4 products have been clinically proven to be effective against a wide range of harmful pathogens including viruses, bacterium and fungi. These include candida albians, E.coli, hepatitis C, HIV, listeria, MRSA, salmonella, staphyloccus aureus, swine flu and trchophyton,[i] preventing the spread of infection throughout your dental practice.


Alcohol-free, non-toxic and non-irritant, our products contain no harsh chemicals that are harmful to the natural world or humans, delivering the ultimate protection for your patients, your staff and the environment.

In fact, our solutions are so safe that you needn’t worry about rinsing or drying them once they have been used on surfaces – they pose absolutely no risk to anyone or anything that may come into contact with the product while it’s still wet. Perfect for rapid yet effective decontamination processes between patient appointments, while also eliminating any health concerns in the case of product accident or spillage, you can have complete confidence in the safety of both your staff and your patients.

Non-corrosive and non-staining, our products are also safe for use on a wide variety of surface materials, as they won’t damage your worktops or equipment.

The Products

We are excited to launch three core products especially for dental professionals:

  • Disinfectant Cleaner – available in 900 ml and 5 litre containers, as well as a trigger spray and wipes
  • Instrument Cleaner – available in 1 litre and 5 litre containers
  • Safe4 Nitrile Gloves – available in sizes small, medium and large


Designed specifically for the dental environment to help you maintain outstanding hygiene levels in a cost-effective and efficient way, discover the clinical proven product range from Safe4 today!



For more information visit,

call 01606 591900 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Quote Reference: Safe4-2

[i] Safe4. Tired, tested and approved. Link [Accessed December 2015]





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  4047 Hits
4047 Hits

GDC hearing – Counterfeit dental devices

GDC hearing – Counterfeit dental devices
The GDC has published details of a Fitness To Practice (FTP) hearing concerning the deliberate use of counterfeit dental devices to be held on 18 January 2016.
Through its award winning CSIDI campaign the BDIA has been working hard to raise the awareness of the dangers of counterfeit and non-compliant dental devices with its hard hitting press campaign over the last eighteen months. Acting hand in hand with the dental press the Association has repeatedly warned of the potential dangers to patients and to a professional’s registration that could result from the use of counterfeit and non-compliant dental devices.
Tony Reed, BDIA Executive Director, comments, “The forthcoming GDC hearing highlights the serious consequences of using counterfeit dental devices. It also raises concerns for those dentists who may have purchased from unreliable sources and reinforces the importance of purchasing from reputable suppliers.”
The BDIA continues to work closely with the profession and MHRA on its CSIDI activity.  The overall message of the initiative is very simple; substandard and counterfeit instruments and devices are potentially dangerous to patients and users and the BDIA recommends that all purchases, however small, are made from a reputable supplier and that all suspect instruments, devices and whitening products are reported to the appropriate authorities at the earliest opportunity. All reporting can be done via a simple, dedicated web page on the BDIA website at


Details of the forthcoming GDC hearing are available at:


Further details of the BDIA’s CSIDI activity can be found at:


The British Dental Industry Association (BDIA) is a non-profit making organisation which means that any surplus funds generated from its activities are ploughed back into dentistry either directly or by supporting and working with other professional dental bodies.

For more information please contact Edmund Proffitt on 01494 781183 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. your social media marketing partner
  9885 Hits
9885 Hits

New Launch by Market-Leading Manufacturer

New Launch by Market-Leading Manufacturer

As a market-leading manufacturer and distributor of quality single-use gloves across Europe, Unigloves has more than 13 years’ experience in the UK dental industry.

The company has just launched its latest range of gloves – Vitality – including:

  • Vitality Nitrile – white, powder-free with Lano-E coating
  • Vitality Latex – white, powder-free with Lano-E coating
  • Vitality Latex scented – green, powder-free with Lano-E coating and scented with a pleasant citrus and peppermint flavour for your patient’s comfort

The lanolin and vitamin E (Lano-E) coating is designed to reduce skin irritation and dehydration. This is supported by the multiple wash cycle which makes the gloves cleaner and safer by reducing residual water-soluble proteins and other harmful chemicals, thereby minimising allergy risks.

The double-chlorinated beaded cuffs facilitate easy donning and removal of gloves whilst the micro-roughened texture ensures optimal grip. This unique combination of features makes the Vitality range of gloves ideal for use within the dental industry.   



For further information about Unigloves products, please visit or call  01634 726516 your social media marketing partner
  3553 Hits
3553 Hits

Comfortably Numb?

Comfortably Numb?

Is there anybody out there?

These words introduce the beginning of my favourite song, Pink Floyd’s ‘Comfortably Numb’, the title of which has always struck me as a particularly apt song for dentists.

Several times in my career different parts of the song have resonated with me for various reasons, but this is perhaps the first time the whole song in its entirety relates to dentistry at the moment. For those that don’t know the song, it’s about a reluctant performer who is made to keep going on stage by the various influences and promises of those who seek to benefit most from him, without any consideration as to how the performer is actually feeling inside. Sound familiar? Give a performer a new drug (the continued promise of a new contract??) and that’ll keep you going through the show….(despite the eventual catastrophic effects).

However, I’m not going to muse about the wider issues of dentistry that are analogous to the lyrical musings of Roger Waters otherwise this will be a very long blog.

So, in particular given the recent Professional Standards Authority paper looking into the rethinking of regulation, one has to ask if there is indeed anyone out there who is actually listening to what this paper suggests.

Here we have what is effectively a toothless organization in the PSA (show me precisely what it has actually done to rein in the GDC given its publicized failings over the last few years?) that is suggesting a completely new way of thinking with regard to the regulation of the professions. Its worth a read as there are many things that have been mentioned within the pages of GDPUK.

However, it’s one thing suggesting this radical rethink, but who with the power to actually instigate change is listening to what the PSA have to say? The Health Select Committee still seem to be getting their diaries in order after the election, and with no apparent repeat hearing for the GDC in the offing one has to wonder if other more pressing health matters will take priority over our issues. There appears to be no pending Government Bill in the offing to set up a super regulator (which is what I personally think will happen eventually) or rewrite the outdated legislation of the current regulators. It is obvious that the PSA sees radical failings in the current scheme of regulation, and we all know the opinion it has of the GDC in particular. However, we need to be careful about thinking the PSA is our knight in shining armour riding to the rescue; one of its remits is to review all the decisions of the GDC FtP process and if it feels they are insufficiently protective of the public (i.e. not a harsh enough punishment) then it can order further action against the registrant via a re-hearing. So they are no particular friend of the regulated, but I would counter that by suggesting they are at least an organization with the ability to actually understand what modern regulation requires. They, after all, they keep referring to the paper written by them for the Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence on what ‘Right Touch’ regulation means, and it doesn’t appear to always be the touch of the executioner’s sword.

There was a suitably robust call from the BDA for the government to take action as a result of the PSA paper, and whilst this is the sort of thing we need to see and hear from the BDA, once again I have to ask if there is anybody out there to listen? We are unlikely to ever get any press sympathy like the GP’s do; when the Daily Mail is happy to run a story asking if we are all Natural Born Killers as a result of the recent Lion hunting episode then we really are going to lose that battle before we begin. As a profession we already know the issues, so really the BDA is only going to be preaching to converted. How they get the message out to the wider public is the key to getting the regulatory change we so desperately need. That is going to require an awful lot of positive PR and I don’t see much evidence of that. Even the fact we have been harping on about the perils of refined sugar for years seems to have fallen on deaf ears until our medical colleagues woke up to it.

The PSA paper recognizes that over-regulation costing more offers no additional benefit to the patients, or the fact that healthcare has inherent risks that cannot be regulated out without a disproportionate amount of money and time, and that attempting to do so only serves to not only stifle the beneficial innovation that can help the patient, but also the general benefit to the patient overall. None of this will be news to any ethical practitioner reading this; but it’s not us that needs to take heed of this, we need to be listened to by the people who can instigate change and actually have a desire to do so.

The PSA also admit that one of the problems with the current outdated regulation mechanisms is that the action or words of a registrant last lasts only a mere moment or so but can result in serious damage to not only their careers and lives, but the lives of their families too; often having a serious and lasting effect. Again, not news to us particularly, but at least it is being recognized by the PSA. The disproportionate effect of a minor, spurious, or downright vexatious complaint should not be able to carry this threat, and indeed never used to; but more recently seems to be something that we must all be prepared to bear as an occupational risk no matter how diligent we are in our care and dealings with patients.

More interestingly for the GDC though is that the PSA warn against the expanding of the boundaries of regulators and the lack of clarity and tensions this then produces. It’s no secret that Mr. Moyes has said he would like to develop the role of the GDC and broaden its remit. It is already apparent that this seems to have begun, as the GDC is no longer just the upholder of Standards within the profession but has become the de-facto complaints service which will happily look into every single issue it is made aware of. A stop to this ‘mission creep’ as the PSA call it must come sooner rather than later, but again, the PSA has little power to prevent it at the moment.

Yet the GDC in its latest press release once again refuses to acknowledge that responsibility for regulatory failings are in any way its responsibility, choosing to blame once again the legislation that constrains it, and actually indicating it doesn’t go far enough currently. I think most registrants would be of the opinion that when a single complaint can have you in front of a committee that can end your career, then there isn’t actually an issue with the legislation not going far enough. The GDC is also apparently putting in place a series of ‘measures’ to help support the profession in delivering high standards of care and maintain public confidence in the profession. What these measures are we don’t know yet, but of course one way of doing this would be to make sure there are less people able to meet the standards they enforce, either my repositioning the interpretation of standards to make them virtually unattainable, and then ‘help’ by removing the registrants who fall short via the FtP process or by just driving them out of the profession by fear. Maybe this is too cynical a view but it’s hard not to have such thoughts in the current environment.

More and more I hear of dentists leaving the profession due to the immense pressure placed on them every day. Despite their best efforts to remain positive, it is increasingly difficult to not think that the next patient could be the one that ends their career, despite not having done something bad enough to justify such a draconian result. That makes the risk of practicing dentistry increasingly difficult to justify. It would be interesting to see if you are likely to have a longer career these days in the field of professional bungee jumping or crocodile wrestling than clinical dentistry. In what way does this help patients when good practitioners decide to leave our profession?

I remember a satirical comment a few years ago that eventually there would be 100% employment in the UK. Only one person would actually have a job doing something, but all the others would be employed to regulate them. I can see the dental profession going this way if someone in power doesn’t start to listen soon, as there will be less and less people electing to remain in or join our profession. We as individuals therefore need to unite and show the public that the pressures on our profession will directly affect them. Only when the voting public is affected will the situation come to the attention of those in power and change can be made. Although how this will pan out if the supposedly unelectable Jeremy Corbyn takes control of the Labour party and renders the opposition as toothless as the PSA remains to be seen.

Getting back to the title of the song then, the problem is that too many of us are (un)Comfortably Numb with inactivity. So we are reaping the rewards of our complacency and intransigence and will continue to do so unless we unite to do something positive. If we were as vociferous and active as dairy farmers have been recently when things finally got too much to tolerate we would have arranged some form of peaceful and professional group action. Perhaps we should round up a few hundred small cats (lions would be too difficult to risk assess and probably attract the wrong type of dentist) and release them into the General Dental Council chamber at the next meeting. Trying to herd said bunch of cats into Wimpole Street is likely to be simpler than getting dentists to do anything en masse. We could then say not all dentists have a desire to hunt cats (including small ones), and given that social media these days seems to be obsessed with the antics of cute kittens then surely this is guaranteed to get positive press interest. A flock of sheep might be easier to manage, but we don’t really want them in the Council Chamber do we? Tongue in cheek maybe, but food for thought nonetheless.

In all seriousness though, whilst it appears the public at large don’t appear to have a clue what damage over-regulation and the current litigious and complaining environment is doing to the ability for dental professionals to care for them appropriately, these are the same people who in their chosen fields are also likely to be suffering from similar threats. Speak to many of your working adult patients and you’ll find we are not alone in suffering the pressures we are currently under. Admittedly there might not be the same degree of threat to their career and livelihood, but certainly anyone in one of the professions and the emergency services have very similar issues as we do. ‘Guilty until proven Innocent’ is not unique to dentistry.

This is the message that needs to be conveyed in no uncertain terms to the public by both our professional leaders and us as individuals. Only when the public has empathy with us will we have their support. If nothing changes then the profession will dwindle more and more as a lack of morale grows.

For it is they the public as patients who will then suffer most when there are no longer any of us out there.



Image credit -Samuel Rodgers under CC licence - not modified. your social media marketing partner
  16733 Hits
16733 Hits

Get your dental practice on the Right Path

Get your dental practice on the Right Path

When will you have the benefit of RIGHTPATH4 like hundreds of others? £250 once

Many pay £thousands or pay monthly to have an insight into CQC.

Some pay a lot less and once only and gain a whole lot more.

You could save yourself a fortune and join us now.

See what others say:


I just wanted to write to let you know how your package is working for us in our practice.


I’m not sure you are aware but we relocated premises in August 2014 moving from one surgery to three surgeries.  We recruited new staff and increased from five to sixteen, which included a trainee nurse, a nurse who had not worked in general practice for a year or so, an apprentice and a new housekeeper who had not worked in a dental practice.  It did feel like I was running around in circles as I did naively think you just transfer from one site to another.


I then came across the RightPath4 CQC package and purchased it at the start of the year and what an enormous benefit it has been to our practice. 


Having read all the information I delegated everything to all the staff, we then come together during lunch times, staff meetings etc to discuss, plan, and modify.  All the staff have completed the poisoned chalice, which is an interactive series of questions regarding each room.  I can then review their answers and add any questions they were unsure of or did not know, to the agenda for our next staff meeting. It has led to interesting staff meetings, with debates and staff keen to demonstrate what they do and what we should do.


The virtual inspection and clinical governance have been areas that the assistant manager and myself as practice manager have completed, and what a huge help they have been.  They look at: how we work in the practice, who should be doing it, why we should be doing it, when it should be completed, how it is completed and what we need to complete.  We have looked at every aspect at what we do, again, working closely with all the staff, who have helped by giving their input on the paperwork, processes and procedures we need to complete.  We have even kept all our working documents as evidence of how we have moved on.


From my point of view it’s all very well, writing a policy and procedure but does it really work in practice, I found that by getting all the staff involved, helps with morale and motivates them more to know they are being heard, and that their input is valuable and taken very seriously.


I know the package is something which we will use continually, to review and monitor our practice, and any questions I might have, I know I can email you.


Sorry for going on I just wanted to let you know how grateful we are for your package and the help you have given and continue to give to us.


Kind regards,



Noah’s Ark Dental Practice 


For further information on the Right Path 4 service, contact details are below.

Telephone: 01892 521245 
(Office days and evening)
Mobile: 07831496477 

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. your social media marketing partner
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