Developing your skills in implant dentistry

Developing your skills in implant dentistry



Have you recently qualified and seeking to enhance your knowledge and skills in implant dentistry?

In partnership with Straumann, the ITI is proud to present the highly regarded ITI Foundation in Implant Dentistry course. Now in its tenth year, the FID is a comprehensive programme specifically designed to assist delegates towards meeting the requirements of both the GDC and the FGDP Training Standards in Implant Dentistry for a safe and predictable start in implant dentistry.

This modular course, divided into six modules of two days each, covers all the essential materials needed for assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning, plus the opportunity to gain one-to-one practice mentoring in the clinical environment. Taught by some of the most experienced implant dentists in the UK, including Prof Nikos Donos, Dr Shakeel Shahdad and Dr Nikos Mardas, it delivers a wealth of implant experience combined with the ITI philosophy to deliver an evidence-based curriculum in a continuously peer-reviewed format.

Delegates have full access to the renowned ITI Online Academy – a ground-breaking e-learning platform that meets the needs of implant dentistry professionals by complementing and backing up the modular course’s didactic teaching. FID has its own dedicated Campus on the ITI Online Academy with learning modules, lectures and treatment examples all part of the FID curriculum.

There are a number of options for further training after the delegates have completed the FID course. Delegates can choose to continue on the ITI Training Pathway: the UK & Ireland Education Programme, offering a wide range of Straightforward and Advanced level courses. Beyond the ITI many UK Universities also offer formal certificates, diplomas and MScs in Implant Dentistry. The FID is recognised by the University of Bristol as Approved Prior Learning (APL) for their MSc in Implant Dentistry and on completion of the FID, delegates have the option to apply for entry directly into the second year of the MSc. There is also the option of self-guided preparation for the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Diploma in Implant Dentistry (Dip Imp Dent RCSEd).

Don’t miss out on your chance to take a significant first step on the ITI Pathway!

Early Bird Discount - Book before 31st October and save £900!

All delegates who book before 31st October 2017 will benefit from a £900 discount off the full course fee of £6,000 +VAT (£5,100 +VAT).

Book a free place for one of your practice staff on either a Dental Nurse or Treatment Coordinator course when you book your place on the ITI Foundation in Implant Dentistry course!

Calling all past FID delegates – If you refer a friend on to the FID 2018 course and they enrol and pay the deposit, you will receive a £50 John Lewis voucher!

Places are limited to a maximum of 24 delegates so to reserve your place or for further information please call the Straumann Education Department on +44 (0) 1293 651270 or visit iti.org/uk.

Start date: 20th February 2018 with modules running through to 19th September 2018

Venue: ITI Education Centre, Crawley

CPD: 78 hours of verifiable CPD

Materials, lunch and refreshments are provided




Facebook: Straumann UK

 Twitter: @StraumannUK

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Can a practice principal really be liable for an associate dentist's criminal behaviour?

Can a practice principal really be liable for an associate dentist's criminal behaviour?

The question posed to the court was whether an employer can be vicariously liable for sexual assaults perpetrated by an independent doctor?

Between 1968 and 1984 Dr Bates was engaged by Barclays Bank to carry out medical examinations on potential and existing employees of the bank. Barclays at that time were undergoing a positive drive to recruit women into the bank and as a result a number of the individuals assessed by Dr Bates were women, some as young as 16.

Accusations against Dr Bates

The employees would go to Dr Bates’ home, where he had created a purpose-built treatment room. He would see the patients on their own with no chaperone present. They were required to undress to their underwear. The allegations against him included inappropriate breast examinations and digital vaginal or anal contact. Following the examination, Dr Bates would send a pro-forma document setting out the details of the examination to the bank. If the report was satisfactory the individual would be offered employment.

Dr Bates died in 2009, however in 2013 a police investigation was carried out which concluded that had he been alive, there would have been sufficient evidence against him to warrant a criminal prosecution.

Barclays’ vicarious liability

In 2016, 126 claimants sought damages against Barclays Bank in relation to the sexual assaults they had suffered. They claimed that the bank utilised the services of Dr Bates in the role of medical examiner in order to satisfy themselves that the person was fit to work for the bank and to confirm that they would be suitable for the life assurance policies in place.

In July 2017, the Hon Mrs Justice Davies ruled that, yes, the bank was vicariously liable for the actions of its self-employed contractor. The reasons she gave were as follows:

A two-stage test must be considered to determine whether or not a vicarious liability exists:

  1. Is the relevant relationship one of employment or “akin to employment”?
  2. If so, was the tort sufficiently closely connected with that employment or quasi employment?

When is a relationship “akin to employment”?

When the following criteria are satisfied:

– The employer is more likely to have the means to compensate the victim than the employee and can be expected to have insured against that liability;

– The tort (act) will have been committed as a result of activity being taken by the employee on behalf of the employer;

– The employee’s activity is likely to be part of the business activity of the employer;

– The employer, by employing the employee to carry on the activity will have created the risk of the tort committed by the employee;

– The employee will, to a greater or lesser degree, have been under the control of the employer.


The bank argued that Dr Bates was an independent contractor, and that he bore personal liability for the acts. Had the claim been made much earlier his personal estate would have been able to settle the claims.


However, to determine whether the relationship was “akin to employment” the judge applied the five criteria set out above:

– The judge concluded that whilst Dr Bates would have had indemnity insurance, that insurance would not have covered him for cases of sexual assault; his estate was distributed many years earlier.

– Employment was conditional upon the bank being satisfied on the basis of the medical examinations that the applicant was medically suitable for service. Dr Bates was the chosen doctor of the bank and he used their stationery.

– The purpose of the examination was to enable the bank to be satisfied that a potential member of staff would, health wise, be an effective member of the workforce. This was an intrinsic part of the business activity of the bank.

– The bank directed the employee where to go and gave no freedom of choice. They directed the doctor to undergo an examination, including a chest measurement! Many of the claimants, who were as young as 15 and 16 saw the doctor alone in his room and were asked to remove their clothing. The judge concluded that the bank created the risk of the tort (sexual assault) taking place.

– The fact that Dr Bates organised his own diary and carried out other medical activities did not negate the argument that he was under the control of the bank at the relevant time. The fact that the assessment took place at his home rather than the bank made no difference to this conclusion.


Tort closely connected with the employment

When considering stage 2, she concluded that the sexual assaults occurred during the course of a medical examination which the bank required the applicants to undertake for the purposes of securing employment. Dr Bates was trusted to do the work and placed him in a position to deal with the employees. This gave him the opportunity to abuse his position. The abuse was inextricably interwoven with the carrying out of his duties.

Would a practice principal be vicariously liable for the tortious acts of their Associates?

In short, the answer is yes. Whilst many associate dentists prefer to maintain their self-employed status for tax purposes (the Tooth Counsel has blogged on worker v self employed status on a number of occasions) the relationship that they have with the practice is almost entirely “akin to employment”. It is now common practice for associate dentists to appear to members of the public to be an integral part of their dental practice, bookings are made and diaries organised by the practice, patients and referring dentists are introduced to the associate via the practice, uniforms are often worn and the practice systems and stationery utilised. If an associate dentist commits an actionable tort against a patient or other member of staff whilst engaged by the practice, then the practice itself would be liable.

Whilst the principal of the “independent contractor defence” remains intact, this judgement sees the court extending the scope of vicarious liability significantly. Whilst the facts of the above case are extremely unlikely to arise in today’s society, particularly in a dental setting where nurses are present at all times when a dentist is seeing a patient, it is a valuable lesson to reinforce the view that the employers should not be complacent about the potential for poor behaviour by their independent contractors and the liability that may follow.

If you have any questions about this blog, or require advice and assistance in relation to your liabilities within the work place please feel free to email Julia Furley on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call us on 020 7388 1658.

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Stephen Henderson

Unusual circumstances

Great summary of a curious case. The claimants came after the bank because it has deep pockets and the doctor is dead and his affa... Read More
Tuesday, 03 October 2017 07:22
9710 Hits

Student to master....

Student to master....



How MClinDent  helped Dr Wahab Shakir

Many delegates value Tipton Training’s close ties with the City of London Dental School’s Masters degree programme known as ‘MClinDent’.

This ‘fast-tack- degree partnership means that successful completion of Tipton Training’s dentistry courses can lead to a PG Diploma from the British Academy of Restorative Dentistry(BARD) or British Academy of Dental Implantology(BADI). Delegates with the PG Diploma can register with The City of London Dental School, to facilitate their APL entry into the third year of either the MClinDent Restorative and Cosmetic degree, or the MClinDent Dental Implantology degree.

Student to master

One dentist that has followed this route is Dr Wahab Shakir - who is now one of Tipton Training’s faculty members. After studying at Newcastle University and experiencing life at a private practice in London, Wahab furthered his career by taking on The Restorative Course and The Phantom Head Course at Tipton Training in 2013 and 2014 respectively. What’s more, Wahab was presented with the Best Dentist Award for The Phantom Head Course.

“I completed The Restorative and Phantom Head Courses with Tipton Training. Both courses have changed the way I do dentistry, I would definitely recommend the courses to clinicians at wanting to upgrade their skills. It will take your abilities, understanding and treatment planning to advanced levels,” explains Wahab.

“The courses are strongly rooted in evidence and they provide both the practical and theoretical knowledge necessary to treat patients to the best standards. I especially liked the way Paul and the team teach occlusion, TMJ diagnosis, articulators and occlusal splint therapy.

“The courses also had a big positive impact on my monthly salary before I even finished. They gave me the confidence to diagnose and carry out work I would have referred off and not attempted before. Which is great as the I started to work solely in a private practice.”

'Not only do I think it's the best training pathway out there, and there appears to be more and more courses setting up daily as we speak run by dentists who have a spare room and turn it into a 'lecture theatre' or 'conference centre' (and Tipton Training has trained most of them) but it's the only one I know of that has this unique pathway between the course, BARD/BADI and MClinDent to make it such an easy transition in your own time to a Masters. So there's the second reason if you needed one to do these courses."

“Further training is obligatory nowadays, especially when moving into private practice. If you are need a boost in the world of dentistry, if you want to expand your knowledge and take your operative skills to top class levels then the Tipton Training Courses are a must,” adds Wahab.

Wahab was one of the first dentists to take advantage of the partnership between Tipton Training and the MClinDent in Restorative and Cosmetic Dentistry at the City of London University. He found the conversion process was easy and that the teaching from Paul and the team have helped him prepare for the complex curriculum of the MClinDent.

An excellent industry reputation

Wahab is now passing his expertise to Tipton Training’s latest pool of ambitious delegates and enjoys a reputation that is typical of our lecturers. In particular, Wahab is respected for his knowledge of up to date cosmetic and general dental techniques, in addition to occlusion.

He believes the in-depth knowledge of the available evidence, thorough treatment planning habits and exacting clinical protocols that the Tipton Training courses instil in the delegates are invaluable. This in turn helps delegates produce dentistry with a good prognosis and pleasing aesthetic results.

Delegates particularly benefit from Wahab’s ability to advise them of the best ways to produce outstanding restorations and high-quality preparations for (amongst other things) anterior and posterior composites, crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, post and cores and bridges.

Studying dentists can also gain insights into how Wahab uses the principles of occlusion to restore his patient’s worn dentition with the utmost respect for their TMJ, parafunctional habits and any associated pain or tension.




Tipton Training aim to provide the best courses for dental professionals in the UK by drawing on the experience of their talented dental team. They aim to increase levels of confidence and self-belief in their delegates and to teach them excellence in dental techniques so that they can achieve their career ambitions. Tipton Training provides access to specialist guest speakers to ensure that delegates receive the most advanced knowledge available.

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GSK Online Education Modules help DHCPs gain over 3000 hours of free verifiable CPD

GSK Online Education Modules help DHCPs gain over 3000 hours of free verifiable CPD



In April 2016 GSK, the manufacturer of Corsodyl®, Poligrip®, Sensodyne® and Pronamel®, launched four free certified CPD modules. Each provides 1.5 hours of verifiable CPD and so far over 2000 modules have been completed, meaning GSK has provided over 3000 hours of free, verifiable CPD to DHCPs across the country.

The modules focus on a range of topics including gum disease and the Basic Periodontal Examination (BPE), the effects of tooth loss and dentures for patients, the mode of action of NovaMin® in Sensodyne® Repair & Protect and the Basic Erosive Wear Examination. All modules can be completed remotely at a pace that suits the user. There is a selection of multiple-choice questions at the end of each module and, upon answering the questions correctly, the user is issued a certificate for completing the CPD module. 

GSK sees delivering quality education and CPD as a core part of its mission and strives to continuously meet the needs of DHCPs through online learning as well as face to face lectures.

Access to all modules, as well as information on GSK products, is available at www.gsk-dentalprofessionals.co.uk




Product Information

Corsodyl Mint Mouthwash


Active Ingredient: Chlorhexidine digluconate. Indications: Plaque inhibition; gingivitis; maintenance

of oral hygiene; post periodontal surgery or treatment; aphthous ulceration; oral candida. Legal Category: GSL. Licence Holder: GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare (UK) Trading Limited, Brentford, TW8 9GS, U.K.


Information about this product, including adverse reactions, precautions, contra-indications and method of use can be found at:




Trade marks are owned by or licensed to the GSK group of companies.


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