GSK is leading a campaign to raise awareness among dentists, DCPs and patients about two common conditions – erosive tooth wear and Dentine Hypersensitivity (DH).
Over ¾ of British adults - 77% exhibit signs of tooth wear and moderate tooth wear has increased1. It can lead to changes in tooth shape, yellowing of teeth and translucency at the tooth edge. You can now download the BEWE app for a comprehensive guide to erosive tooth wear diagnosis and condition management.
The optimised fluoride formulation of Pronamel® strengthens your patients’ demineralised enamel to help protect against the effects of erosive tooth wear2.
DH is characterised by short, sharp pain in response to stimuli and needs to be diagnosed differentially. 41.9% of adults have experienced it3 and, according to the Dentine Hypersensitivity Experience Questionnaire (DHEQ), over 70% of sufferers consider the sensations to take pleasure out of eating and drinking4.
Sensodyne® Repair and Protect combines NovaMin® technology and sodium fluoride in a single formulation, which creates an even harder hydroxyapatite-like layer over the exposed dentine and within the exposed dentine tubules2, 5-7, providing sustained protection and relief.
For more information on these conditions and other CPD materials, visit:
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1. Disease and related disorders – a report from the Adult Dental Health Survey 2009, The Information Centre for health and social care, 2011
2. Fowler C et al J Clin Dent 2006; 17(4): 100 - 105
3. Addy M. Int Dent J 2002; 52: 367-375.
4. GSK Data on File RH02026
5. Greenspan DC et al. J Clin Dent 2010; 21: 61-65.
6. La Torre G and Greenspan DC. J Clin Dent 2010; 21(Spec Iss): 72-76.
7. Earl JS et al. J Clin Dent 2011; 22(3): 62-67(A).