GSK champions erosive tooth wear and Dentine Hypersensitivity identification

GSK champions erosive tooth wear and Dentine Hypersensitivity identification




GSK is leading a campaign to raise awareness among dentists, DCPs and patients about two common conditions – erosive tooth wear and Dentine Hypersensitivity (DH).

Over ¾ of British adults - 77% exhibit signs of tooth wear and moderate tooth wear has increased1. It can lead to changes in tooth shape, yellowing of teeth and translucency at the tooth edge. You can now download the BEWE app for a comprehensive guide to erosive tooth wear diagnosis and condition management.


The optimised fluoride formulation of Pronamel® strengthens your patients’ demineralised enamel to help protect against the effects of erosive tooth wear2


DH is characterised by short, sharp pain in response to stimuli and needs to be diagnosed differentially. 41.9% of adults have experienced it3 and, according to the Dentine Hypersensitivity Experience Questionnaire (DHEQ), over 70% of sufferers consider the sensations to take pleasure out of eating and drinking4.


Sensodyne® Repair and Protect combines NovaMin® technology and sodium fluoride in a single formulation, which creates an even harder hydroxyapatite-like layer over the exposed dentine and within the exposed dentine tubules2, 5-7, providing sustained protection and relief.


For more information on these conditions and other CPD materials, visit: https://www.gsk-dentalprofessionals.co.uk/




Trade marks are owned by or licensed to the GSK group of companies.





1.        Disease and related disorders – a report from the Adult Dental Health Survey 2009, The Information Centre for health and social care, 2011

2.        Fowler C et al J Clin Dent 2006; 17(4): 100 - 105

3.        Addy M. Int Dent J 2002; 52: 367-375.

4.        GSK Data on File RH02026

5.        Greenspan DC et al. J Clin Dent 2010; 21: 61-65.

6.        La Torre G and Greenspan DC. J Clin Dent 2010; 21(Spec Iss): 72-76.

7.        Earl JS et al. J Clin Dent 2011; 22(3): 62-67(A). 

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GSK Online Education Modules help DHCPs gain over 3000 hours of free verifiable CPD

GSK Online Education Modules help DHCPs gain over 3000 hours of free verifiable CPD



In April 2016 GSK, the manufacturer of Corsodyl®, Poligrip®, Sensodyne® and Pronamel®, launched four free certified CPD modules. Each provides 1.5 hours of verifiable CPD and so far over 2000 modules have been completed, meaning GSK has provided over 3000 hours of free, verifiable CPD to DHCPs across the country.

The modules focus on a range of topics including gum disease and the Basic Periodontal Examination (BPE), the effects of tooth loss and dentures for patients, the mode of action of NovaMin® in Sensodyne® Repair & Protect and the Basic Erosive Wear Examination. All modules can be completed remotely at a pace that suits the user. There is a selection of multiple-choice questions at the end of each module and, upon answering the questions correctly, the user is issued a certificate for completing the CPD module. 

GSK sees delivering quality education and CPD as a core part of its mission and strives to continuously meet the needs of DHCPs through online learning as well as face to face lectures.

Access to all modules, as well as information on GSK products, is available at www.gsk-dentalprofessionals.co.uk




Product Information

Corsodyl Mint Mouthwash


Active Ingredient: Chlorhexidine digluconate. Indications: Plaque inhibition; gingivitis; maintenance

of oral hygiene; post periodontal surgery or treatment; aphthous ulceration; oral candida. Legal Category: GSL. Licence Holder: GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare (UK) Trading Limited, Brentford, TW8 9GS, U.K.


Information about this product, including adverse reactions, precautions, contra-indications and method of use can be found at:




Trade marks are owned by or licensed to the GSK group of companies.


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Visit the GSK stand at BDA – stand B03

Visit the GSK stand at BDA – stand B03



This year the GSK Consumer Healthcare team will be visiting the BDA conference to showcase Sensodyne® and Pronamel®.

New Sensodyne® Repair & Protect – now with stronger repair+, offers sensitivity sufferers the benefit of both advanced NovaMin® technology with sodium fluoride in a single formulation. The immediate availability of sodium fluoride when brushing allows for greater* fluoride uptake into the hydroxyapatite-like layer formed by NovaMin®, over exposed dentine.¹ 

Pronamel® toothpaste has an optimised fluoride formulation to help minerals penetrate deep into the tooth surface, actively strengthening and re-hardening acid-weakened enamel.2-5 Pronamel® toothpaste delivers more fluoride deeper into enamel than other fluoride toothpaste² helping to protect patients enamel from the effects of erosive tooth wear.

Visit stand B03 to try Sensodyne® Repair & Protect and Pronamel® toothpaste for yourself in our tasting station. The stand will also feature an interactive lecture revealing the truth about patients with dentine hypersensitivity and erosive tooth wear.


GSK are pleased to be sponsoring two presentations at BDA

“Burden of Oral Diseases in Ageing Populations and links with General Health” - Georgios Tsakos

Thursday 26th May, 14:30 – 15:30

The presentation will review the epidemiological evidence on the burden of older adults and highlight the issues around the impact on quality of life.

“How to Manage and Prevent Patient Tooth Wear Caused by Dietary Acids” – Rupert Austin

Friday 27th May, 11:45 – 12:45

The presentation will cover the clinical signs and symptoms of erosive tooth wear and dentine hypersensitivity as well as revealing the latest science on prevention and diagnosis of tooth wear and hypersensitivity.




Reference: 1. GSK Data on File, 142234. 2. Edwards MI et al. Correlation of Enamel Surface Rehardening and Fluoride Uptake – DSIMS imaging. Presented at IADR, September 2006. 3. Fowler C et al. J Clin Dent. 2006; 17(4): 100-105. 4. Hara AT et al. Caries Res 2009; 43: 57-63. 5. Barlow AP et al. J Clin Dent. 2009; 20(6): 192-198.

+Vs. previous formulation. Forms a protective layer over the sensitive areas of the teeth. Brush twice a day for lasting sensitivity protection.

*Compared to previous formula with sodium monofluorophosphate


Trade Marks are owned by or licensed to the GSK group of companies.


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Visit the Sensodyne® and Pronamel® stand at the Dentistry Show – stand G40!

Visit the Sensodyne® and Pronamel® stand at the Dentistry Show – stand G40!


This year GSK Consumer Healthcare, one of the world’s leading research-based pharmaceutical and healthcare companies, will be visiting the Dentistry Show and will be showcasing leading oral care brands, Sensodyne® and Pronamel®.

GSK will be revealing the New Sensodyne® Repair & Protect - now with stronger repair*, which offers sensitivity sufferers the benefit of both advanced NovaMin® technology with sodium fluoride in a single formulation. With twice daily brushing Sensodyne® Repair & Protect can create an even harder reparative hydroxyapatite-like layer* over the exposed dentine.1-4

Pronamel® has an optimised fluoride formulation to help minerals penetrate deep into the tooth surface, actively strengthening and re-hardening acid-weakened enamel.?-8 Visit stand G40 to find out further information on how Pronamel® can help protect your patients’ enamel from the effects of erosive tooth wear.

This year GSK will be sponsoring not one but two presentations! Visit the Dental Hygiene Theatre at 14:45 on Friday 22nd April where Ali Lowe will be presenting “The hygienist’s role in prevention”. The second presentation is due to be revealed shortly!

Feel free to ask any of the GSK team about how Sensodyne® and Pronamel® products can help improve your patients’ oral health.


To request sample of GSK products for your patients visit www.gsk-dentalprofessionals.co.uk




Trade Marks are owned by or licensed to the GSK group of companies


References: 1. Parkinson et al. J Clin Dent 2011; 22(3): 74-81. 2. GSK Data on File. ML498. 3. GSK Data on File. ML584. 4. GSK Data on File. ML589. 5. Edwards MI et al. Correlation of Enamel Surface Rehardening and Fluoride Uptake – DSIMS imaging. Presented at IADR. September 2006. 6. Fowler C et al. J Clin Dent, 2006; 17(4): 100-105. 7. Hara AT et al. Caries Res 2009; 43: 57-63. 8. Barlow P et al. J Clin Dent. 2009; 20(6): 192-198.


*Vs. previous formulation. Forms a protective layer over the sensitive areas of the teeth. Brush twice a day for lasting sensitivity protection.

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