Genius by name, Genius by nature

Genius by name, Genius by nature


Last week saw the launch of the latest Oral-B toothbrush at the BDA Conference and I am pleased to see that they have gone even further down the path of the “internet of things” and improved their technology even further with the latest Genius brush.

Previously I wrote a blog in 2014 entitled “Dentistry embraces the Internet of Things”, when Oral-B launched their first brush connected to an app.

So 2 years on, the boffins at Oral-B have taken all the best features of the Bluetooth brush and made a number of considerable improvements.

  • The brush still works alongside the App. The app now tracks brushing habits and shows the user how to brush all zones in the mouth equally and evenly, which is a real game changer. No longer do you have an excuse of missing an area of your mouth.

  • The app has gamification, the user gets challenges to improve brushing habits.

  • Each users can partner with their dental professional through the Professional Guidance feature that provides customised care and a user can share data with their dental professional.

  • The app, also contains in-app entertainment, the app provides news, weather and oral care tips.

  • The brush comes with a stylish case, as well as a smartphone holder that fits to the user's bathroom mirror and lets the user know how they are doing via the app. The app is therefore straight ahead of the user’s eyeline.  

  • The lithium battery offers longer battery life and a lighter toothbrush!

  • The Triple Pressure Sensor technology protects gums from over aggressive brushing.

  • The brushes are now customisable with 12 colours available, except red which is used when the user applies too much pressure.

  • The user tells the app which hand you use to brush your teeth because they will then analyse the data accordingly and the app will understand why certain areas are missed.


All these clever features are an exciting way for you to help your patients improve their oral care and with some of the features you can even check what they are doing and which areas are being missed!

Further information about the brush can be found here - http://oralb.com/en-us/GENIUS

It is very exciting to see that dentistry has continued to embrace the internet of things and that toothbrushes are part of the connected home that we will see more and more over the next few years. This new brush is not only easy to use and lighter to hold, it also has a number of benefits that help improve our oral health…. Which is always a good thing.

The brush really is “Genius by name, Genius by nature”.

The Oral-B Genius will be available to the public from July.

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