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Offering a foundation in wealth management

Dr Harry Singh, CEO of the Dental Property Club, is delighted to invite you to attend his ‘Wealth Creation Day for Dentists’ on Friday 4 July 2014 in Radcliffe, Manchester.

Harry is looking to share his knowledge of the property market to empower dentists to create, build and manage their own property portfolio to provide an additional income, pension or to become financially free and work reduced hours.

Like most dentists, Harry was making good money; however, it left him working long hours and missing out on both family and ‘me’ time. Even when Harry was away from the practice, he found himself thinking about patient emergencies or complaints, as well as staff issues.


Feeling alone on a professional level and unhappy with his lifestyle, Harry sought to make a change so, as well as practising dentistry, he started to invest in property and stumbled upon some professional property secrets that helped to develop his business interests.  Harry has acquired a number of properties over a 24-month that are now worth much more than he paid for them and bring in a valuable income.


Harry would now like to share his secrets with his dental colleagues.

Spaces on the 'Wealth creation day for dentists' course are limited, so don’t delay. For further information, please visit http://bit.ly/1fr2VdA or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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