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Win a team ticket to attend Kerr's Innovations in Dentistry Symposium, 'For the art of the smile', completely free of charge.

For over 120 years Kerr's inspiration has been to develop and manufacture a wide range of high quality dental products for your practice.

Kerr is committed to advancing aesthetic dentistry through education and sustainable solutions in consultation with wet-gloved clinicians.

This partnership approach is the inspiration behind decades of standard-setting products that make up Kerr’s rich portfolio.

Why attend the Innovations in Dentistry Symposium?

The materials and equipment available to dental professionals in the 21st century allows for superior results to be achieved – as long as clinicians embrace the opportunity to understand how these products have been designed to work.

With this in mind, the two-day Innovations in Dentistry Symposium offers visitors the opportunity to hear leading speakers discuss restorative dentistry, endodontics and new equipment that have transformed the way modern dentistry is practised.

On Thursday 3 July 2014 at Altitude 360 in Westminster, each dental team member can choose from a comprehensive range of lectures to suit their needs, accruing six hours of verifiable continuous professional development (CPD).

Then, on Friday 4 July 2014, dentists can attend restorative and/or endodontic hands-on sessions (up to a maximum of 20 delegates in each) worth three hours of verifiable CPD at Henry Schein’s Marble Arch showroom.

These interactive sessions will allow participants to hear, see and perform various cutting-edge techniques, developing skills of immediate use in the dental practice.

The speakers

Among those speaking will be Dr Chris Orr, one of the UK’s most prominent cosmetic dentists.

His first presentation will cover a structured approach to aesthetic treatment planning and delivery, as well as knowledge of simple risk management examination tools that can be applied chairside.

Taking to the podium for a second time, Dr Orr will discuss modern posterior composite and indirect restorations, covering indications and techniques to achieve successful restorations without amalgam.

Dr Orr’s third session will address the two adhesion strategies that are at the heart of today’s bonding agents, in addition to sharing how to avoid the common problems and pitfalls.

Professor Robbie McConnell, an authority on new dental materials, will be covering a review of enamel and dentine bonding systems, including which bonding techniques work best for both conventional fill and bulk filling techniques.

In addition, he will offer guidance on simplified preparation and placement techniques for anterior and posterior composites.

Following the lecture, participants will have the opportunity to place a class two composite restoration using Sonicfill.

Dr Gianluca Gambarini, professor of endodontics at the University of Rome Dental School, will show the latest improvements in nickel titanium instrumentation, describing a new approach – TF Adaptive.

The advantages of the new technique will be shown, explaining the key features.

The creation of an endodontic glide path with reciprocating stainless steel (SS) instruments will also be presented and discussed.

Kerr’s big competition

Kerr is inviting two practices – one from the north and one from the south – to attend this incredible event free of charge, to include travel by train to London and accommodation for up to 10 attendees in a hotel close to the venue (terms and conditions apply, see box for details).

For your chance to win a team ticket to the Innovations in Dentistry Symposium, simply answer the following three questions and send your answers to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before the closing date of 18 June 2104:

1. For how long has Kerr been developing and manufacturing a wide range of high quality dental products

2. Following Professor Robbie McConnell’s presentation on enamel and dentine bonding systems, what product will delegates have the chance to try for themselves

3. Where in London can dentists attend restorative and/or endodontic hands-on sessions worth three hours of verifiable CPD on 4 July 2014?

For further information or to book your place, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 0845 873 6299.

Terms and conditions

Each practice can only enter once. The two winning practices will be drawn randomly. Deadline for entries – midnight 18 June 2014. Travel includes trains only. Accommodation to be specified by Kerr UK. For more information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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