April & May Offers on GDPUK

The dental exhibitions are approaching in May.
So we have put together some offers for you.
Reach thousands of dentists on a daily basis. Established since 1997, GDPUK has over 10,000 members, who are part of the dental profession. 
Publish content to the most read dental online publication in the UK. Over 22,000 threads created. Thousands of readers of our daily news and blogs. 
Even get content shared on our forum thread for advertisers. 
Banners appear on the forum, news and blogs.
Excellent value, you can publish more than one banner ad at a time. Ask us for more details. 
Limited space available on our featured email banner slot in April and May. Email arrives in your target audience's inbox, 3 times a day. Opened over 120,000 times a month.
For April and May 2017 we are offering buy 2 months and get an extra month free. You can choose your third month at your own discretion. Terms and Conditions Apply. Email below for further info.
Get in touch today for more information and pricing. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
 your social media marketing partner
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4017 Hits

Market your business online, work with GDPUK in 2017

Market your business online, work with GDPUK in 2017


Ask us, How we can help you?


There has been a recurring theme this week (other than the US Presidential Election) and that is clients or prospects asking how we can help them in 2017?

We see GDPUK as an integral part of a dental companies opportunity to market themselves to dentists in the UK. We believe we have a large, active and engaged audience on the site, which we are very proud of. This is important because dental professionals in the UK are using social media more than ever and GDPUK is at the centre of that.

So we have put together a short list of the ways in which we can help our clients engage with potential customers.


  1. Banner Ads - We offer a range of banner ads on the site and our daily digest emails. Further info can be found in our media pack and by getting in This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  2. 12 month packages of advertising. We have a number of deals with clients that run for 12 months, which offer the client excellent exposure, good value and builds a great working relationship between GDPUK and the client.

  3. Product / Service Launches - We can help launch a new product into the market, with blogs, news articles and banner ads.

  4. Special Offers - Entice new or old customers with a special offer / or sample offer

  5. Case Studies - We can publish case studies for you of products that are working for patients in dental practices. A case study can be a great way of demonstrating how your product works and how it will help the dentist improve his or her skills.

  6. Forum Reviews / Tests - Put your product to the test, use members of the GDPUK forum to test your product and receive honest reviews that can be shared on the forum and published as a blog post.

  7. Surveys - Run a survey, which can be hosted by our site or your site. Use it to do product research etc

  8. Social Media Competitions - Combining promotion on GDPUK and other social media channels, we can run a competition that helps collect data and potential new users of your product.

  9. Promotion of Courses / Events - There are a large number of events, meetings, courses that are scheduled in the UK dental calendar on an annual basis, we can help with promotion and even the sale of the tickets.

  10. 2017 Conference. Next year we are pleased to be hosting an event to celebrate our 20th year of a space for dentists in the UK to talk and share opinion. This milestone, will be marked with conference towards the end of next year. Exhibition and sponsorship opportunities will be available.


If you would like to try any other marketing ideas on our site, we are always interested in new methods and always looking to learn. Look forward to hearing from you soon, helping your business thrive in 2017.

Thanks for reading. your social media marketing partner
  5973 Hits
5973 Hits

4 reasons why working with an Online Community should compliment your social media strategy.

4 reasons why working with an Online Community should compliment your social media strategy.


Social media is now part of all businesses marketing efforts but below you will find 4 reasons why using an online community as part of your marketing plan can also be extremely valuable.


Likes don’t automatically translate to more sales, so when using social media for your business you need to start measuring engagement - how often your audience is interacting with posted content and of course each other through your channel.

With Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin you are faced with a number of challenges, how do you get more visits to your page? Once they do visit, will users engage with a status update, or discuss content you have posted.

Online communities on the other hand, don't have an identity problem. Online communities are organised around clear defined goals and values. Imagine what an established online niche community offers to the business trying to reach a clearly defined audience. By engaging with a targeted community you are filtering out all the white noise and interacting directly.

So why can an online community be a valuable marketing tool for a business?


  1. You are marketing your business to your actual target audience. Unlike social media, you know that the audience has interest in the content or message you are trying to get across.

  2. When users use a community site, they are doing it for a particular reason, they are interested in the subject and want to learn or share information. There is no distraction of their favourite comedian or band also shouting for their attention. Reaching your audience in a targeted environment, means you can catch them when they are receptive to receiving your message.

  3. Engaging on an online community can be risky but if you are seen to offer good service and advice, it will win you plenty of fans and impress the whole community. Communities dislike being sold to but they like being given good customer service and expertise.

  4. Being seen to interact with a community that contains your potential customers is extremely important, online communities are a form of social media so marketing your business within a community needs to be a part of your marketing strategy. Anywhere your potential customers engage, has to be seen as a potential medium to increase sales.


Thanks for reading, please let me know your thoughts or get in touch to discuss things further.


Jonny Jacobs

Digital Dentistry Blog on GDPUK. your social media marketing partner
  5268 Hits
5268 Hits

Having an Option in the Digital Publishing Era

Having an Option in the Digital Publishing Era

Over the years, I have mentioned that online advertising has a number of advantages. You can read those articles here and here.


In 2016, we started using DFP, which is a Google programme that serves ads for our clients on to our main site.

One of the exciting features of this software is the ability to serve more than one ad at a time for our clients, to more than one URL. This is a great way of advertising a number of your services or products at once via one booking of a slot. It also has the added advantage of keeping the ads fresh and distinctive for the audience, who may not have interest in one product but an advert for something else from the same company may catch the eye. So a win/win for both the advertiser and the audience.

Yes it can mean more banner designs are needed but the advantages far outweigh this extra work for your design team.

So as you can see this is an amazing advantage compared to traditional advertising, not only is your advert seen thousands of times a month but when compared to print, you can display more than one advert in one position. Another example of modern technology improving the experience for all.

For further information about working with GDPUK and how we can help you reach thousands of dentists, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will be glad to help.

GDPUK will also be visiting next week's BDA Conference and Exhibition in our home city of Manchester. Get in touch if you would This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..




Digital Dentistry Blog on GDPUK your social media marketing partner
  4705 Hits
4705 Hits

The Full Marketing Experience

The Full Marketing Experience


Our site is free for members of the dental profession to join. Established since 1997, we are proud to have nearly close to 10,000 members of our online community.

Revenue for the site is generated by companies from the dental industry advertising on the site.

Advertising on the site is done in the form of banner ads. These work well on the platform because they are reaching an audience who are interested in what services or products are available and you are offering something the audience is interested in.

We also offer advertising on our daily digest emails, which get sent 3 times a day and on average get opened over 100,000 times a month. These are opened on a frequent basis because they the content changes as the forum posts change.

As part of this advertising experience, we feel we can offer you more than traditional advertising mediums. GDPUK offers a value added experience.


  • Exposure on the site or daily digest for a full month or as long as you want. Pricing is on a per month basis. This generates a large number of impressions of your message.

  • Opportunity to post PR or blogs onto the site to accompany your campaign, these are then shared with our thousands of followers on social media. So as well as reaching our community audience, you are reaching another audience through social media.

  • By posting content and information to our blog pages, you can be seen as an opinion leader in your sector.

  • Our ad serving software can display more than one ad at a time, instead of having all your impressions on one message, you can split the exposure between as many messages as you want. This works well for a dental business that has a number of product or service offerings eg. a business that does dental repairs and sells equipment, can advertise both services at once. This is a fabulous way to test what works and experiment with which ads gain the best response.

  • Click throughs can be to a dedicated landing page on our website, where you can collect data or provide further information to the audience.

  • Advert can appear on our front page and our news / blog pages, which get viewed thousands of times in a month.

  • Option to run a forum review of your product or service for a small extra fee.

  • Option to have a sponsored post on the forum for a small extra fee.

So as you can see, we offer banner ads but we also offer a number of extras that we include in the package that makes it a great marketing opportunity. If you would like further information and are interested in reaching your target audience, please get in touch today. Pricing starts from £299 + vat.


Email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel - 07786571547

We will be attending the Dentistry Show, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like to meet up. your social media marketing partner
  4506 Hits
4506 Hits

Take Dead Aim

Take Dead Aim


With it being Masters week, I thought it would be the perfect excuse to use a golf analogy for my current blog!


Little Red Golf Book by Harvey Penick is one of the most influential golf instruction books of all time. The book has a number of short and quick messages for the reader to understand and digest easily which are centred around Harvey’s learning and observations after a lifetime in the golf world. A chapter that I have always remembered can be found on P.45 titled “Take Dead Aim”. Harvey says he tells his students to take dead aim, “Shut out all thoughts other than picking out a target and take dead aim at it.” As an avid golfer, it is a great piece of instruction which is simple and works! I believe it can actually be applied to all walks of life.

In all areas of business we are given targets or we are looking to reach target audiences and we usually need to focus our thoughts or energies on these targets.

Reaching a target audience is now the cornerstone of all successful marketing whether we are using social media, the adverts during Coronation Street or a professional network to get a message across. Whatever area we are looking to reach, we want to reach our target audience and if we can take “dead aim” it works even better.

Reaching work targets also shares similarities, as long as the targets are realistic, you have to take dead aim and focus on reaching those goals. Focussing on the small targets then leads to the bigger prize in the end.

In life we also need to identify our target and then aim for it.  It is good to set specific goals and avoid the distractions. If we are distracted by too many goals or by short term projects and lesser opportunities, we will probably not achieve the important long-term goals that we should all set for ourselves

Are you taking dead aim?

Reach your target audience on Get in touch today - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


What else does Harvey do so well to get his message across in this book that has sold millions of copies…… he always shares a story in each chapter! This makes the audience relate to the chapter and remember the piece of wisdom in the book. This shows the immense power of telling a story. That thought can be discussed another day :)


Further reading on Harvey can be found here - your social media marketing partner
  6146 Hits
6146 Hits

9 ways GDPUK can help you in 2016.

9 ways GDPUK can help you in 2016.


How can we help you?


First week back in the office has flown by and like everyone else involved in the world of sales, we have all been working hard on following up leads, arranging meetings and even closing some deals! (always be closing)

There has been a recurring theme this week in my small dental related bubble and that is clients or prospects asking how we can help them in 2016?

We see GDPUK as an integral part of a dental companies opportunity to market themselves to dentists in the UK. We believe we have a large, active and engaged audience on the site, which we are very proud of. This is important because dental professionals in the UK are using social media more than ever and GDPUK is at the centre of that. For example many of the signatures for the letter published in the Daily Telegraph came from GDPUK. NHS unfit for purpose.

So we have put together a short list of the ways in which we can help our clients engage with potential customers.


  1. Banner Ads - We offer a range of banner ads on the site and our daily digest emails. Further info can be found in our media pack here

  2. Product Spotlights - New for 2016, the product spotlight will appear on the frontpage of the site, with a promotion of your new service / product or special offer.

  3. Product / Service Launches - We can help launch a new product into the market, with blogs, news articles and banner ads.

  4. Special Offers - Entice new or old customers with a special offer / or sample offer

  5. Case Studies - We can publish case studies for you of products that are working for patients in dental practices. A case study can be a great way of demonstrating how your product works and how it will help the dentist improve his or her skills.

  6. Forum Reviews / Tests - Put your product to the test, use members of the GDPUK forum to test your product and receive honest reviews that can be shared on the forum and published as a blog post.

  7. Surveys - Run a survey, which can be hosted by our site or your site. Use it to do product research etc

  8. Social Media Competitions - Combining promotion on GDPUK and other social media channels, we can run a competition that helps collect data and potential new users of your product.

  9. Promotion of Courses / Events - There are a large number of events, meetings, courses that are scheduled in the UK dental calendar on an annual basis, we can help with promotion and even the sale of the tickets.

We hope everyone out there has also had an insightful start to the year and like ourselves are always thinking about how they can improve what they offer to their customers. If you would like to try any other marketing ideas on our site, we are always interested in new methods and always looking to learn. Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks for reading. 


Our latest media pack can be found by clicking on this link

Look at some of our amazing numbers that GDPUK produces - GDPUK in Numbers your social media marketing partner
  5363 Hits
5363 Hits

Busting Myths about

In this weeks "digital dentistry" blog, we would like to look at comments we regularly encounter about We have provided answers to those statements in the blog below, that we believe will bust the myths about our site and change your perception of

"The same people use the forum"

We agree that a number of people post regularly (true of any successful community) but in 2013 we had 958 different contributors to our forum discussions and in 2014 we expect to have over 1000 different contributors from all over UK Dentistry. We believe that such a huge amount of expertise, information and opinion is unbelievable! This varied interaction makes the forum vibrant, controversial and inspirational, everything you want in a successful community.

"The forum contains arguments and negativity."

Yes the forum does contain arguments and disagreements but a bit of controversy keeps the community moving forward and our members logging onto the site! Overall, our threads receive positive feedback, encouragement or helpful information. The site is professional (helped by members using real names) so information can be shared plus opinion or outrage can be discussed in a secure environment (CQC, GDC etc).  This helps to create a credible, thriving and growing community. The majority of our users find the site an incredible and positive medium.

"Dentists don’t go online."

We heard this comment recently at a dental exhibition from someone who shall remain anonymous. They believed that dentists prefer to read trade magazines and books and don’t use the internet. Dentists are no different to the rest of the UK population and use the internet to book holidays, buy clothes and interact on social media. GDPUK is a major part of thousands of dentist’s daily lives; we have thousands reading the daily digest email or forum on a daily basis. We believe dentists are using online dental websites on an increasing basis, especially because they can use social media to interact with each other on a regular basis. Using dental sites means that friendships can be formed with colleagues across the country.

"Banners on the site aren’t noticed"

We have just under 8000 members, a number we are extremely proud of.  Our members are constantly logging in and out of the site all day long, often between patients or during lunch breaks. This means our banners often receive tens of thousands of impressions on a daily basis. At the start of December 2014, we started running a campaign for a company that helps practices with their CQC visits. As part of their advertising campaign they are running a survey on gdpuk. Link here. In the first 8 days , the survey has received 65 completed responses, which we believe is a fantastic response. The company have used a simple campaign of email and forum banners, which have received 126 clicks and just fewer than 54,000 impressions in 8 days. We believe that this is an amazing example of banners being noticed and with the right message, action being taken by our readers.

Thanks for reading. We hope you enjoyed this short blog. We hope you can look at as a positive influence in UK Dentistry. If you would like further information on how to work with the site, please get in touch. your social media marketing partner
  6513 Hits
6513 Hits

December Opportunities on


As we approach the final month of 2014, people start to wind down for the year and we all start looking at the year ahead. We focus on setting targets, goals, wishes and budgets for the year ahead.

Before you start looking too far into the future we thought we would let you know, that we have a small number of advertising opportunities on GDPUK in December.

Do you have a course you are looking to promote in early 2015?

A new product you have launched and you would like some extra promotion?

You may have December offers of your own that need a push?

Whatever your reason, we have a few spaces left on the site in December. Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we may even surprise you with a festive price!

Did you know?

December has always been one of the busiest months on gdpuk. Dentists constantly use the forum and share expertise throughout the holiday period, which even includes Christmas day for some!

For further information
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
07786571547 / 0161 270 0453
 your social media marketing partner
  5709 Hits
5709 Hits

Making the right Impression

“An impression (in the context of online advertising) is a measure of the number of times an ad is seen. Clicking or not is not taken into account. Each time an ad displays it is counted as one impression.”

Over October 2014, banners on our site received over 1.6 million banner impressions. This meant our 20 advertisers (in October 2014) received an average of around 80,000 impressions each. Some advertisers in prominent positions on the site received more and others in less prominent positions received less.

We don’t believe there are many other places in the dental sector where within one month your brand, product or service can receive 80,000 views. If you advertise in a magazine or exhibit at a dental show, will your advert or stand be receiving 80,000 views?

We believe we are the prominent place for companies to reach their target audience. We can help you reach dentists. Over the last few years we have helped companies with all of the following. We would love to help you make the right impression in 2015;

  • Promote a course that is looking for dentists to attend.
  • Launch a new product or service to the dental sector.
  • Special Offers.
  • Make dentists aware of a service your company offers.
  • Brand Awareness.
  • Surveys. We can host surveys on our site.
  • Promote attendance at a trade show.

Please get in touch with us and we will be happy to discuss how you can receive an average of 80,000 impressions in a month. In 2015 dentists will once again increase their usage of social media platforms (gdpuk being one of them, according to the GDC!). Can you afford to miss out? Speak to us today and we can help you make the impression you are looking for.


Download our Media Pack

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information or

give him a call 0161 270 0453 or 07786571547 your social media marketing partner
  6031 Hits
6031 Hits

GDPUK Media Pack 2015

Download the new GDPUK Media Pack

Click below to receive the latest information and pricing from



Download the media pack to find out all the features and benfits of advertising on



Join our other UK Partners on

Many of the leading businesses in the dental world use GDPUK to reach dentists

For further information on how we can help you, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or download the media pack today. your social media marketing partner
  5724 Hits
5724 Hits

How UK Dentists are Using the Internet & GDPUK

We have put together an infographic which shows how UK Dentists are using the internet. We have included some of the stats that were produced from the recent August 2014 GDPUK Survey. Thanks to all that took part. We have also added in some statistics from We Are Social which shows how addicted we are becoming to our smartphones  and social media in general! Thanks for reading.


Thanks to our friends Stockdale Martin for sending over some of the statistics. They are a healthcare marketing agency. Ed Stockdale can be contacted via email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or followed on twitter.

If you are looking to reach thousands of dentists on a daily basis, our new GDPUK Media Pack for 2015 is now available! Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will send it straight over. your social media marketing partner
  5944 Hits
5944 Hits

The importance of an effective landing page

The importance of an effective landing page

Landing Pages

Part1...The importance of an effective landing page earns revenue from banner ads, we display adverts from companies looking to attract dentists as customers. The most successful banners, direct the user to a specific landing page. A good landing page should be seen as a part of your sales team, in the first part of this series I have listed some thoughts on the importance of an effective landing page.

A landing page is a web page that allows you to capture a visitor’s information through a lead-capture form. These are often known as a conversion form.

Landing pages are created to convert traffic into qualified leads. If you can focus on converting visitors into leads, landing pages are all about positive ROI. This is where a good landing page can make all the difference.

So why are landing pages important?

  • They help you focus on conversion. The focus has to be on converting visitors into leads. A few simple ideas could be contact details for a free white paper, or contact details for a sample of your product.
  • Direct. By using a landing page you will start to find that a landing page can be more effective than just directing traffic to a homepage, which is likely to be a waste of time. Once someone makes the effort to click on a banner, if the landing page matches what is on the banner, the odds of converting the click into a lead will increase dramatically.
  • Generation of leads. If an effective page is created, it is suddenly a lot easier to capture leads. Every time a lead completes a conversion form on a landing page your sales team collects valuable information. Obviously this is a great for the sales team, as they are receiving warm leads to target.
  • The more the better. Once you start creating a range of landing pages for different offers, the more opportunities you will create to convert visitors into leads.
  • Makes the expenditure on advertising worthwhile. The landing page should sell your product; the language on the landing page needs to be customised and persuasive to your target audience. If you are creating specific ads (which many GDPUK clients do) then it is pointless if you’re only going to send potential customers in the direction of your homepage.

I hope this blog gives you an idea of the importance of a landing page and how getting it right can lead to an increase in revenue. Advertising online is something we are all still learning about, but we believe by investing in your landing page, it is a great start to achieving a return from your online advertising.

For further information on how we can help with the marketing of your brand or product or to learn how we can help with a landing page for your advert, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We will publish part two of this series next week, which will give you some ideas of the key features of an effective landing page your social media marketing partner
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5932 Hits

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