New panel members appointed by GDC

The General Dental Council (GDC) has appointed 51 new Fitness to Practise panel members have now joined the GDC. Ten dental care professionals (DCPs) were appointed along with 19 dentists and 22 lay members. They’ve been slowly introduced since the end of January this year and will sit on the Interim Orders, Professional Conduct, Health, Performance and Registration Appeals Committees.

Read more: New panel members appointed by GDC


New bacterium involved in childhood caries discovered

Researchers at the Forsyth Institute in the USA have made a significant discovery about the nature of childhood dental disease. The studies identified a new pathogen connected to severe early childhood caries. The bacterium was present in the mouths of children with severe early childhood caries when other known pathogens such as Streptococcus mutans were not detected.

Read more: New bacterium involved in childhood caries discovered


Lego heads spearhead National Orthodontic Week

Two life-size Lego models showing mouths ‘before’ and ‘after’ treatment were the centrepiece of the British Orthodontic Society’s National Orthodontic Week (NOW) at the V & A Museum of Childhood in Bethnal Green, London. The event ran for the week with events across the country as well at the museum. To mark the start of the week, a survey was undertaken by YouGov to discover the public’s view on protruding teeth.


Read more: Lego heads spearhead National Orthodontic Week


GDPs’ pensions not affected by Hutton report

Former Labour minister, Lord Hutton, has published his final report with its main recommendation is that public sector pensions should no longer be related to final salaries. Instead, by 2015 pensions should be related to average salaries over a career. This is the way in which NHS pensions of general dental practitioners are calculated so they should not be affected by the proposals.

Read more: GDPs’ pensions not affected by Hutton report


Climbing Everest for Ben Fund

Dr Mark Walsh, a 44 year old dentist currently working at Oasis Dental Care Ltd in Durham, plans to climb Mount Everest in April 2011 to raise money for the BDA Benevolent Fund. The Fund provides financial support to dentists and their families. If you would like to support Dr Walsh and make a donation to the Fund, please contact him on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read more: Climbing Everest for Ben Fund


Campaign launched to prevent unnecessary extractions

Julian Webber and other leading dental professionals have launched the Saving Teeth Awareness Campaign - - to provide information to patients who have a tooth infection that could result in tooth loss. The campaign was prompted by the widespread lack of awareness amongst patients that many teeth can be saved by root canal therapy.

Read more: Campaign launched to prevent unnecessary extractions


NHS dental charges to rise in England

Regulations have been laid to increase NHS dental charges in England from 1 April 2011. The charge for a band one course of treatment will increase by 50p from £16.50 to £17. For a band 2 course of treatment it will increase by £1.40 from £45.60 to £47. The charge for a band 3 course of treatment will increase by £6 from £198 to £204. These fees are deducted from NHS payments to dentists, so the rise is a further increase of taxation of patients who pay for their NHS dental treatment.

Read more: NHS dental charges to rise in England


Shropshire dentist struck off

A Shropshire dentist who broke wind around patients has been struck off the Dentists Register for misconduct. The ban takes immediate effect. Matthew Walton, 35, found it ‘funny’ to break wind next to colleagues when they were trying to eat their lunch. The hearing was also told he also went behind the chair to make V-signs, as well as offending patients by demanding to see their cash before starting treatment.

Read more: Shropshire dentist struck off


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